In an industry where web-hosting companies are clambering to get more exposure, reach a wider range of prospects and gain more clients; the competition seems to be only getting fiercer. That said; there seems to be no abatement in the emergence of new web-hosting companies in the industry. Now most of the hosting providers employ the regular marketing techniques in order to advertise their web hosting services. These could include hosting directory listings, banner and/or pop up ads, PPC (Pay-per-click search engine placements), link exchanges and a host of other techniques. While these strategies have proven to be considerably effective in driving traffic, it has not yet delivered optimum results in terms of the expected growth or ROI.
Amore effective approach therefore needs to be considered given the intense competition that the industry is currently subjected to. These marketing techniques could include either print advertising or/and direct marketing. This approach towards adopting a broader marketing strategy will also result in an increase of the market share. There are many online companies out there who are offering direct marketing services for you to achieve your business targets.
Direct marketing could involve contacting a targeted audience. This would comprise of potential customers who interested in buying your web hosting services or perhaps need to keep themselves abreast with the latest news and information on the web hosting industry.
The technique of sending out direct emails to a targeted audience will help you reach a potential customer base. The success of this campaign would however be dependent on two major factors:
How targeted your potential customer list is, and how attractive your offer is to recipients.
The web host needs to understand the exact needs of his customer and offer cost-effective hosting solutions coupled with value-added features.
With direct marketing campaigns, finding a suitable list of potential customers could be catchy. With over 10,000 business-to-business lists, the relevant demographics are missing from these lists and so the web-hosting firms are not equipped with enough information of their potential customer's websites.
Fortunately, recent technology can extract and develop e-business profiles from Web sites and provide hosts with important information that allows them to better promote targeted packages to the right customer base.
Fortunately, recent technology can extract and develop e-business profiles from Web sites and provide web hosts with important and relevant information that allows them to improve upon their targeted packages and reach the right customer base. This will help the web host to create a customized business list that corresponds to their technical target market criteria.
Web hosts should also be careful in considering the source of their data while establishing a direct marketing campaign. Most hosting companies rely on the WHOIS data, which is not only inaccurate but also illegal to use.
With the latest data extraction technology (for example, Netvention technology) crawls and extracts key business information (such as company name, address, phone, fax and contact names) directly from corporate Web sites.
Once the web host is equipped with accurate data, they can employ the direct marketing campaigns in order to accelerate business growth. lists web hosting coupons, deals, discounts, savings and exclusive promotions from the top web hosts. You will find the best of web hosting companies listed there including the most recommended web hosts and domain registrars - godaddy, bluehost and hostgator. It covers blog discussions and topics like web hosting discussions and hosting reviews |