Sunday, October 12, 2008

Overview of Web Hosting

By Mohammad Majeed

The composite web of servers consists of computer systems installed with webservers software and associated to the internet. These servers can be establish in any ability with internet connectivity. The route of upholding and operating one of these servers is called web hosting.

Web Hosting Completion on a Dedicated Stage

The basic idea of web hosting on a dedicated computer system consists of hosting one web site on one computer system. Web hosting on a dedicated computer system is the simplest and most simple method of operating a website. Because the computer system contains only one website, the pattern of software is consistent, as sketched in the software-installation documentation. In addition, system possessions are dedicated to only one web site and, consequently, are not unnatural by any other process not linked with the operations of that site.

Web Hosting Implementation on a Shared Platform

The basic idea of web hosting on a shared computer surroundings consists of hosting many different Web sites on one computer system. The necessary components of web hosting on a shared computer surroundings are the same as with dedicated hosting, apart from for the pattern of the software and the management of system resources. There are two basic ways to arrange the Web server with each web site's specific pattern in rank. The second method is to function manifold web server software on a solitary computer surroundings. The first method - a single pattern file with all of the web site's information - has greater scalability but does not give a means of warning the capital inspired by each web site. Consequently, a mixture of both methods is ideal for generating a scalable shared-hosting service. A mixture is attained by using the single pattern file method for Web site needing small amounts of capital and using for manifold Web-server method to limit the capital inspired by Web sites that demand large amounts of resources.

When a web site insists large amounts of system capital, the logical next step is to move the Website to a devoted computer system (ie: dedicated hosting)

Web Hosting-Resource Management Challenges

Managing computer-system capital in the shared stage and the dedicated platform is challenging. As a Web site becomes more popular and is required after by millions of Internet users, the web site demands more and more system capital. Being clever to measure, monitor and run the amount of system resources is necessary for Web-site ease of use and server-performance.

-Dangerous system resources to run include the following:

-Central Processing Unit (CPU) consumption

-Memory Consumption

-Disk-swap space

-Disk space

-Disk input and output

-Network input and output

-Internet bandwidth (not a computer-system resource but still requires monitoring and managing)

The critical system capital have a direct relationship with the presentation of a exact web site.

Visit High Risk Hosting

Wanna Build a Web Page?

By John Pettit

With the credit crunch and fall out from it, being prudent is not a luxury, it has become a necessity. Unlike the banks and the other financial institutions that can be baled out by governments, the business person, when they make a mistake usually have the rug pulled sharply from underneath them and the business goes down the pan.

A very high of perfectly good small businesses go bust within their first year of trading because they have been underfunded right from the off. They have this misguided view that their business idea is so good that it cannot possible fail and when it does start to flounder the solution is always just around the corner. This spiral of self delusion has seen many a good business idea bite the dust.

So what is the answer? A realistic business plan should be drawn up for a 3 year period and the figures you input must be achievable - there is no point in thinking that your sales are going to increase by 50% each year unless you can justify it. The capital you require to start your business and keep it going until the sales start rolling in, should be sufficient to get you through any bad patches that may occur. It is best if you can raise the money yourself without having to borrow from friends and/or family. Strange things can happen to even the most rational people when lending money is concerned. In this financial climate I think you would have a difficult time to get a loan from the banks as they are not even lending to each other so unless you have solid gold guarantees, you will struggle from the outset. The best advice would be to do as much research into your type of business as possible and hang fire until you can afford to fund it your self.

This site has been created specifically for the small business person in mind who has a limited budget. We all come from a business background and have been through the elation of successful businesses and the tribulations of failed ones - so we know what we are talking about. To have a web presence today is no longer a luxury purely for the super wealthy companies', it is a necessity for all businesses, small and large. The major stumbling block that businesses come across is the plethora of web companies out there who promise you the moon while charging you the earth and you end up with a site you do not like from an aesthetic viewpoint and don't need from a functionality one.

Our ethos regarding sites is to keep them stylish yet simple, and to tailor them to the needs of each client. There is no point paying thousands for a database when, for the moment, an Excel Spreadsheet would do just as well. You can always upgrade when the money starts coming in at a later date. I have seen loads of small businesses that have paid out a small fortune for a site that simply does not meet the needs of their business as it currently stands.

What makes us unique? We have no hidden charges at all and have only one price structure which is shown below:-

Design and set up of site £75:00 (one off payment)
Monthly management fee £7:50* (normal price £15:00)
Excel set up for accounts £20:00 (one off payment)
Outlook set up for Diary etc £20:00 (one off payment)
PowerPoint/Flash Presentation £20:00 (one off payment)
* For the months of October, November, and December only

We also manage your site for you leaving you to run your business. The £7:50 management fee is an introductory offer.

Give us a call on 07727054285 or email to discuss your requirements. There is no obligation at all or long term contracts.

We look forward to hearing from you.

The SmartSitesUK Team

DNS Tutorial - A Guide to Understanding DNS and Zone Records

By Jim A Hawkins

DNS in a nutshell

As I said above, DNS is a translation service from computer readable names, to human readable names. The theory is similar to a phone book, or directory assistance, which translate phone numbers to names. The DNS system is distributed across the whole Internet, virtually every Internet provider has two or more DNS servers, most hosting companies do as well, and a lot of large businesses, ie Microsoft, Dell, HP all have their own servers. (of course, having 30,000+ employees, they probably have their own directory assistance too).

Every single person on the Internet uses DNS, 99% of them without even knowing. Every time you go to a website, you do a search of the DNS system to find the location of the site. Every time you send an email, your ISP's mail server does a DNS search to find the mail server for that domain. As I said, DNS works on a distributed basis, no one server holds the records for every single domain. There are a lucky 13 master servers, that contain a list of which DNS servers handle which domains, when you look for a domain that your ISP's DNS server does not know, it asks the master servers, which DNS server does know about this domain, then it asks that DNS server for the information it needs, before passing it back to you.

Changing DNS Servers

When you change hosting providers, the normal procedure is to also change your domain's delegation to the new hosting providers DNS servers. This procedure, known as redelegation, is best, as it means one company handles everything for you, and if they make a change to the location of your website, for instance moving it onto a faster server, they can also update the DNS records straight away, so no one notices. To find out who your domain is delegated to, you need to do a ''whois search''. A whois search will not show you where your website is, but it will show you which DNS servers know where it is. Customers of Anchor should always see '''''' and '''''' in their whois information. If your domain is currently with another company, and you need to bring it to Anchor, you need to change that information. Generally, this is done through a web page of the company that you registered the domain with, it is a simple change.

Once the change is made, depending on the type of domain, it can take up to 3 days for the rest of the Internet to notice you have moved. (The same as when you move house, it can take quite a while for other people to realize). The reason for this is explained in the next paragraph. Suffice to say, for a period of 3 days, some people will see the new site, some people will still see the old one. Some email will go to the new server, some will go to the old server. This is avoidable through careful planning, and a week long changeover.

Buzzwords & Geek words, translated!

Often when talking about DNS, the words (and abbreviations), '''TTL''', '''Cache''' and '''Propagation''' come up, but what do they mean? In plain English, the DNS server responsible for your domain has a file with all the information about your domain in it, and when another DNS needs information about your domain it is pulled from this file, along with a TTL value. TTL stands for '''Time To Live''', and it is the maximum time a foreign DNS server can store this information locally, without asking if it has changed (the process known as caching). When you redelegate your domain from one DNS server to another, the amount of time it takes depends on the TTL value in the old server. If this value is high, which it generally is (around the 1 day mark) then any DNS server that has requested information on your domain in the past 24hrs will still see the old records; once the TTL period expires the servers will then see the new details.

Additionally for '''.com, .net, .org''' domains, no server will see the change until the DNS system reloads at midnight, USA time, whilst the '''.au''' domains are updated instantly. This process of waiting for all the Internet to see your move is called propagation. As I said above, there is a way to speed up the process, and that is to redelegate a week early with your new hosting company copying the old records, with a very low TTL, (ten minutes or so), and then when you are ready for the website and email to go to the new server, changing them on the new DNS server. This means the whole Internet will see the change in 10 minutes, regardless of the domain name (note, some ISP's do not confirm to the standard for DNS caching, and may not update instantly).

So what does a domain record look like

@ IN SOA (

2004030401 ; Serial

28800 ; Refresh

14400 ; Retry

3600000 ; Expire

86400 ) ; Minimum



IN MX 50

IN MX 100


smtp IN A

www IN CNAME @

ftp IN CNAME @

mail IN CNAME smtp

pop IN CNAME smtp

pop3 IN CNAME smtp

That looks scary! What does it all mean?

Lets breakdown the file one line at a time

@ IN SOA (

This line, the Start of Authority, states that is the domain server responsible for your domain, and that is the contact for this server

Skip the next 4 lines: '''Expire, Retry, Maximum and Serial''', as these are not important in this situation

86400 ) ; Minimum

The value of minimum is the TTL, ie the length of time, other servers can cache the information for your domain


The third column on this line, NS, means nameserver, this line means that your server is listed in (and below that in NS lines give a list of all the nameservers responsible for your domain.

IN MX 50

Again, the column after IN is important, (all your records should say IN), MX stands for Mail eXchange, and MX lines are a list of servers that handle your email, the number after MX is the priority, the lower the number, the higher the priority


On this line, A means Address. All A records are direct translations of names to numbers. If the line starts with a word, that is a host name, ie ''''''. If it doesn't have a word, it means just ''''''. If it has a * it means every subdomain of '''''' that's


mail IN CNAME smtp

The final record type is CNAME, whilst this stands for Canonical Name, it is often easier to think of it phonetically, ie; See-Name. As thats what it means, in this case, the record tells computers looking for to go look for instead.

Now don't you feel enlightened?

Do I have to have this? It all seems so complicated

If you want people to see your website, and email you, you must have DNS records. It is unavoidable. However as I said at the start of this article, you only need to have an understanding of the top level of the system, ie, when I redelegate, it takes 3 days, my email will be scattered. You do not need to understand how the entire system works, that is the job of your DNS administrator (often called hostmaster), who is typically your web hosting company.

Can I do this myself?

If you have a static IP address and a permanent Internet connection you can host your own DNS, and if that doesn't make any sense to you, you are probably better off letting someone else handle it. You may notice in a whois search that most domains have 2 DNS servers listed, and some have up to 10. This is for redundancy: if one server dies, but the others are still working, then your website and email are unaffected; but if you only have one server, and it goes down for whatever reason, then your email and website are offline too.

Visit Anchor web hosting For more useful information like this on Australian web hosting.

Choosing 1 & 2 Letter Domains Can Be Affordable - What Hosting Deal Suits You?

By Peter Beitchef

What is the best domain name and hosting deal for me?

Firstly you need to choose a domain name that not only suits your business but one that can be easily remembered by your customers. Short single word domains are always the best. Unfortunately most of the .com short word domains have gone and when they do come up for sale you may end up having to pay thousands to get what you're looking for.

A solution is to purchase a sub domain which will give you exactly what you want. For example you may be in the business of selling online music, you could choose a single word name like music??

The options are endless and you won't pay the earth for a domain that will put you on the net. When it comes to hosting you need to look at what type of website you want to host and how much space you require. Most websites only require a small amount of space so don't be fooled into buying large amounts of hosting space that you will never use.

You will find that you can host most sites with less that 500MB so why would you buy 1000MB. Another thing to consider when looking for a provider is can they provide both the domain name and hosting as a package deal. If you have to purchase a domain from one provider and hosting from another, you will end up having to pay two accounts and you will need to link both services together. If you buy from one supplier the link will be done for you.

In today's world, branding is the key to buying a successful domain for your business.

For more information and to join up with us please visit:

FREE 7 day trial

Consideration Points in Web Host Shopping

By Justin Knights

Web hosting is a competitive industry and hosting companies are doing all they can to win market segment. Some offer extremely low cost hosting fees and some guarantee various kind of hosting features. Good news is that the fierce competition benefits web hosting shoppers like you and me. Instead of having limited choice like year 1998; we can now have a bunch of web hosting companies fighting for our business.

While shopping for web hosting, reliable server uptime is always the main concern. Do not satisfy with any hosting services that go lower than 99.5% server uptime.

Besides of high uptime, another feature which should be taken into consideration is the bandwidth. Bandwidth determines the network connection speed. Meaning high bandwidth will serves you smoother connection speed. A strong web hosting provider usually has more than one optical carrier line. Also, a good web hosting provider will have several servers which able to cater up to thousands websites without interruption. Due to great competition in this industry, very often you can see promotional packages which able to offer high bandwidth with low fees, e.g. $5.95 monthly for 250GB bandwidth.

Another aspect which can't be ignored is the web space. Web space is the storage capacity allocated to clients for data storage purpose. The web space is direct proportional to fees charged. You will need to pay more money for bigger web space. Some web hosting providers able to offer you 1GB web space for as low as $10 per month.

Besides, Quality control panel or known as cPanel also another basic needs during setting up your website. cPanel is a platform to let you easily customize your control panel. This is important as customization able to allow you input and output other features in the future.

A good web host package also offers you with domain and sub-domain features. Normally, for small business websites, normally basic package is adequate to make your website operate perfectly as the package includes one domain and twenty sub-domains. Some web hosting providers also helps you to register your domain name for free. Why must you register your domain name? Registering your domain name is important as you don't want others to use your domain address. Some web hosting provider able to provide this service for free.

Last but not least, you should consider the customer supports from web hosting providers. A good provider should be equipped with many communication ways for you to contact them. Some of the ways are like via phone, email, live chat, online tutorial and troubleshooting, etc. They should able to attend your complaints any time and any place. Simplest way for you the check whether the company is good or bad is by checking comments through forum or reviews.

Actually, in the market, there are a lot of packages which able to fulfill all the items above with affordable prices. So, details study and analysis will help you choose the right package.

Looking for a cheap web hosting? Then you must check out the hosting comparison chart at WebHostNinja.

Article written by Justin Knights.

7 Things to Look For When Choosing a Colocation Provider

By Greg Kuiper

There are several items that you need to think about when deciding on a colocation facility, so we've put together a short list of the questions you'll want to ask your prospective colocation providers.

Network Configuration

Does the provider have multiple feeds to BGP to their routing equipment? Do they have multiple routers in a mesh configuration? Do they offer a 100% uptime SLA? N+1 redundancy is a must.

N+1 dictates that multiple components (the network) must have one independent backup component to ensure that your equipment will stay online in the event of a failure.

Redundant Power Feeds

Does your provider have multiple feeds to their equipment. Do they have multiple providers to BGP to? Do they have multiple routers in a mesh configuration? N+1 redundancy is a must.

Datacenter Power

Efficient Cooling

Liebert HVAC systems should be plentiful in the facility. N+1 applies here as well.

Datacenter Security

Does the facility have CATV? Guards? Biometrics? A Man Trap? If none of these are available, find another facility.

Biometric Security

Access to the Facility

24×7 access to the facility is ideal. In the event that a segment of your network suffers a hardware failure, you'll want immediate access to the datacenter.

IP Availability

If you require a significant amount of IPs (a /24 for example (256 IPs)) expect to pay .25-$1.00 per IP address. Anything from a /28 (16 IPs) and up should be included free of charge.

Comfort Level

We can give all the advice in the world, but in the end, you have to be comfortable with your choice. It's like buying a car or a'll have this colocation space for a while. Take your time and choose wisely.

Free PHP Web Hosting - The Best One

By Andrew Carmiel

Looking for free php web hosting? Then you have to read this article first, we will discuss how you can find the best one.

The Increase In Popularity

Since the first invention 1994, PHP has been grown in popularity. Unlike the usual static html language, php language can do many things that will put html into a shame. One of those capabilities is the ability to create and update dynamic website, this is something I like about php.

Using this feature you can update all pages instantly, can you imagine if you need to update 1000 pages using static html website? That would be a burden when you can spend your time into something more useful such as growing your business or selling your products.

Technical Support

One thing I hate about free service is the technical support usually very lousy to response your needs. It might take 5 to 7 days to get reply. Now if your website crash and you need to wait 5 days before your website up again, do you know how much visitors that you lose? However, there are few free php hosting services that truly have top notch technical support, so you may want to test yourself the speed of technical support in answering your questions back.

Banner Ads

This is another thing I don't like with free service. Generally, all of those free php web hosting services full of banner ads to cover their cost, and this can be quite distraction if you sell something through your website or trying to make money from internet marketing program such as Google AdSense.

However, there are very few companies that able to provide free banner ads hosting service, because they have such a large numbers of customers. Their free php hosting service is only a sample product to introduce their service. You want to find this kind of company, because usually the free php hosting service provided by this company is very good.

Get your free PHP web hosting package, no ads, no string attached, comes with all built-in package features you will ever need, and the best thing it is free for the rest of your life and can host as many your own domains as you want. Sign up now -

E-Commerce Web Site Hosting - The Hidden Facts

By Andrew Carmiel

Online business industry has been evolved becoming billion dollars industry. This condition has put much pressure in hosting service for reliable, high speed web hosting service that can answer the pressure faced by many modern online businesses. This bring us to the new hosting service called e-commerce web site hosting.

What Is E-Commerce Web Hosting

Put it in simple words ecommerce web hosting is a service that attempting to provide all in one business solution for online business. From simple domain name registration to credit card processing system all done through one account.

However in spite of all that attractive features, ecommerce web hosting has been known for the high price. Does the high price really justify the service? Let's take a look at some hidden facts of ecommerce web hosting service.

Hidden Fact No 1 - You May Get Cheaper Deal If Buying Separately

The hidden fact no 1 from ecommerce hosting service is you may get cheaper deal from buying the hosting features separately. For example: you register the domain name at another company, design the website hiring college student, use self-installed shopping chart, buy auto responder from another company, and use PayPal to accept the credit card payment. As a matter of fact you may get 20% - 30% from buying separately.

Hidden Fact No 2 - If Your Time Is Limited Ecommerce Hosting Service Maybe The Best

However if your time truly limited, ecommerce web site hosting service might provides the best deal for you. You can control or access all of your website features in one single control panel.

There are several notable ecommerce hosting services nowadays, the very first thing you may want to do is to read review from another customers or ask other business owners about their experiences with particular hosting company. This will give you clear idea of what you will get from that particular hosting company in future.

Get your free web hosting package, no ads, no string attached, comes with all built-in package features you will ever need, and the best thing it is free for the rest of your life and can host as many your own domains as you want. Sign up now -

Completely Free Domain Registration With Free Web Hosting

By Andrew Carmiel

Are you looking for free domain registration with free web hosting? There are a lots companies that will give you these free services, the problem is how reliable their free services? Let's take a glance at some of these companies.

1. The Fact Behind The Curtain

You might be wondered with their ability to give you free service. How could the company keep alive without making any profit? Usually, this company only gives you free service for one year, after that you will have to pay for the subscription fee.

In another case, the company might give you a free service for a limited feature, when you need to upgrade your server capacity you will be required to pay some fee.

2. The Good News

The good news, one year is enough time to collect some start-up capitals from your online business providing you manage your business in a right way. Later on, as you have some money, you can afford to pay for the recurring subscription fee or upgrade the server capacity.

3. Where To Find The Gem?

Finding free hosting service with exception quality is like trying to find a diamond in the bottom of ocean, but once you find it, the diamond all yours. One thing you want to take a notice is how fast the technical support response. You may want to test sending a message to the customer support and count the response time.

Another issue, you may want to test the speed rate by opening similar websites that have used their service. The speed rate is a huge issue in online business world, since internet users generally impatience, if your website doesn't load in the first 30 seconds, your visitors might already left looking for a better place.

Get your free web hosting package, no ads, no string attached, comes with all built-in package features you will ever need, and the best thing it is free for the rest of your life and can host as many your own domains as you want. Sign up now -


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