If you're planning to have your own website, one of the first things you need to accomplish is to find the best web hosting company. It's simple to say but not quite easy to do given the huge number of companies out there all claiming they are number one. Of course, you can read customer feedback from customers for you to determine what's worth to be shortlisted. However, take note that the best web hosting company for someone may not be the same for you. Other people's experiences can help you eliminate the companies with bad reputation, but once you have your short list, your decision should be based on your website's needs. The best web hosting company for you is one that fits your requirements the most.
So how do go about picking the best web hosting company? As mentioned earlier, the first thing you need to do is determining all the features you need based on the kind of website you want to run. Are you going to run a personal website or will you use it for business? Will you be posting a lot of graphics and animation, or is your website primarily text-based? These are just some examples of questions that you need to answer before you even start looking for the best web hosting company.
Some features prove to be more useful than most-companies claiming they give the best web hosting should be able to provide them:
1)Technical support - Not all people who want to set up their own websites are hardcore techies with programming background. Thus, a reliable company should be able to provide technical assistance to their customers. Ideally, support should be provided 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
2)Downtime - Even the best web hosting company experiences downtime, but some companies experience them more. Frequent instances of downtime are not good for your website because it screams unreliability, which could hurt you a lot especially if your website is business-related.
3)Value for money - Some people needs a lot of disk space; others don't. Some people need a lot of email accounts; others don't really see them as a necessity. Whatever your choices are, the best web hosting companies should be able to provide you bang for your buck.
Once you know exactly what you're looking for, single out what you features you need the most, the ones you can't sacrifice at all. Also set your budget-just make sure it's reasonable based on the services you want. Then you can start your search and narrow down your finalist for your best web hosting companies as you go along. If a company doesn't offer the non-negotiable features you want and/or it's definitely out of your budget, then scratch it off your list. If you're unsure about a company's reputation, look for customer feedback and diligently go through them. Any company can claim that they offer the best web hosting, but only legitimate reviews from their customers can truly validate that.
DWHS Inc. delivers cost efficient Web Hosting for your personal or commercial website with 24/7 online tech support and full customer satisfaction guarantee. For details visit http://www.dwhs.net |