Monday, October 6, 2008

Know What to Look For When Searching For the Best Web Hosting Company

By Charles Yarbrough

If you're planning to have your own website, one of the first things you need to accomplish is to find the best web hosting company. It's simple to say but not quite easy to do given the huge number of companies out there all claiming they are number one. Of course, you can read customer feedback from customers for you to determine what's worth to be shortlisted. However, take note that the best web hosting company for someone may not be the same for you. Other people's experiences can help you eliminate the companies with bad reputation, but once you have your short list, your decision should be based on your website's needs. The best web hosting company for you is one that fits your requirements the most.

So how do go about picking the best web hosting company? As mentioned earlier, the first thing you need to do is determining all the features you need based on the kind of website you want to run. Are you going to run a personal website or will you use it for business? Will you be posting a lot of graphics and animation, or is your website primarily text-based? These are just some examples of questions that you need to answer before you even start looking for the best web hosting company.

Some features prove to be more useful than most-companies claiming they give the best web hosting should be able to provide them:

1)Technical support - Not all people who want to set up their own websites are hardcore techies with programming background. Thus, a reliable company should be able to provide technical assistance to their customers. Ideally, support should be provided 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

2)Downtime - Even the best web hosting company experiences downtime, but some companies experience them more. Frequent instances of downtime are not good for your website because it screams unreliability, which could hurt you a lot especially if your website is business-related.

3)Value for money - Some people needs a lot of disk space; others don't. Some people need a lot of email accounts; others don't really see them as a necessity. Whatever your choices are, the best web hosting companies should be able to provide you bang for your buck.

Once you know exactly what you're looking for, single out what you features you need the most, the ones you can't sacrifice at all. Also set your budget-just make sure it's reasonable based on the services you want. Then you can start your search and narrow down your finalist for your best web hosting companies as you go along. If a company doesn't offer the non-negotiable features you want and/or it's definitely out of your budget, then scratch it off your list. If you're unsure about a company's reputation, look for customer feedback and diligently go through them. Any company can claim that they offer the best web hosting, but only legitimate reviews from their customers can truly validate that.

DWHS Inc. delivers cost efficient Web Hosting for your personal or commercial website with 24/7 online tech support and full customer satisfaction guarantee. For details visit

Budget-Friendly With Tons of Flexibility - Linux Web Hosting Comes to the Rescue

By Charles Yarbrough

Microsoft Windows is the most popular operating system (OS); thus, most web hosting companies cater to sites running on Windows, as expected. However, there is an increasing demand for hosts that can support websites running on other platforms such as Mac OS and Linux, just to name a few. For this article, we will focus on Linux web hosting.

Why do some people choose Linux web hosting? To start with, Linux is an open source OS designed after Unix. It means Linux is free, which is a fact that is easily a factor in some people's choice of operating system. Aside from being free, Linux is also known to be very stable even in the midst of some heavy-duty multitasking. It's also known to be flexible, powerful, and portable. The graphical user interface (GUI) looks great, too.

Whatever the reason may be, there's no denying that more and more people are turning to Linux web hosting. If you're comfortable with using Linux with Perl programming language, now is the right time to go for Linux web hosting. It has its place in mainstream, so any worries you may have about lack of suitable choices for Linux web hosting should be thrown out the window. There are a lot of affordable packages being marketed by web hosting companies for the Linux user.

Surprisingly, even if Windows is the most popular OS, Linux web hosting has more presence on the internet than Windows web hosting. The reason behind this is Linux's open source nature. A lot of technological developments in web hosting are also open source. It's easier for developers and programmers to experiment with different innovations when high fees and licenses are not part of the equation. Thus, Linux web hosting provides you with a lot of flexibility at almost no cost. When technologies update, you can go along with them without worrying about your budget because they are free.

Linux web hosting is also highly standardized because Linux, as an OS, is a standard platform. Thus, you can easily add to your website without too much hassle since everything is streamlined. You'll appreciate this more as your website steadily and quickly grows. Long-term management with diligent maintenance is one of the most difficult things you need to do as a webmaster; luckily Linux web hosting can help in that aspect.

Take note, though, that there's a downside to all the good stuff, and it's up to you if it's worth looking over when you finally choose Linux web hosting. Since Windows still dominates as the number one OS, Linux web hosting does not have a lot of technical support available for applications and languages that are based on Windows. Sure, you have a wide range of Linux-based applications and languages to choose from, but there are very useful ones that are Windows-based. You either don't use them at all, or prepare yourself to encounter difficulties when you do.

Weigh your needs and wants before choosing Linux web hosting over Windows web hosting. Both have positive and negative aspects to them, and choosing what works better for your website is something only you can decide.

DWHS Inc. delivers cost efficient Web Hosting for your personal or commercial website with 24/7 online tech support and full customer satisfaction guarantee. For details visit

For Quick Success, Go For Fast Web Hosting

By Charles Yarbrough

In today's fast-paced world online, speed is of the essence. A few seconds slower and a website may lose a potential visitor whose attention is easily diverted by a competitive website. On the internet, everyone seems to be afflicted with fickleness. With so much information online and things to do with it, it's hardly a surprise why everyone is easily distracted.

If you own a website, you must realize the importance of having fast web hosting. If your website takes forever to load, how will you be able to sustain the attention of your visitors? Although the speed of the internet connection your visitors are using largely determine how quickly they can access a site, the speed of the site's host plays a huge role, too. To ensure that everything runs smoothly on your end, you have to get fast web hosting.

Just how fast should fast web hosting be? It all depends on what kind of website you're planning to run. A graphics-heavy site will require much more bandwidth than one that is text-centric, for example. The features your website has will determine just how much bandwidth it will need to load quickly.

If you know that your site will be chock-full of features, consider choosing a fast web hosting company that offers 'un-metered' transfer and not unlimited bandwidth. In reality, web hosting companies will be hard-pressed to deliver unlimited bandwidth because once they have a huge clientele, their expenses will run up higher than their profit. So what's the catch behind web hosting companies offering so-called unlimited bandwidth? They put restrictions on the amount of bytes that get transferred or loaded onscreen per second. These restrictions hamper real-time speed. A genuinely fast web hosting company may put restrictions to your site's total bandwidth but will not put restrictions to your site's transfer rate.

Of course, a fast web hosting company needs your cooperation to ensure that you and all of their clients do get speed. If your website is for strictly-download purposes only, eventually it'll slow down as more visitors come and download stuff. Even if you have very fast web hosting, such extreme usage will affect your site's performance. In many cases, it'll slow down other client's sites, too, if the fast web hosting company you signed up for has one server on which all of their customers' sites are hosted.

If your website is heavy-duty, be prepared to shell out some bucks. You can have the quickest transfer rate and the biggest bandwidth any fast web hosting company can offer, if you have the budget for it. Space and speed cost money, but many website owners are wiling to pay for them because of the stiff competition for visitors' undivided attention. If you don't want to share bandwidth with other clients of your chosen fast web hosting, you may want to consider taking dedicated hosting instead of shared. With dedicated hosting, a server is assigned to your website alone. Shared hosting can seriously slow your site down if other clients abuse the services of the fast web hosting comoany you're both under.

DWHS Inc. delivers cost efficient Web Hosting for your personal or commercial website with 24/7 online tech support and full customer satisfaction guarantee. For details visit

Domain Web Hosting - Considerations You Should Be Concerned With

By Charles Yarbrough

If web sites are your thing, then you should find yourself concerned with domain web hosting. This is because domain web hosting can do a lot to uplift your business. The right kind that you choose can spell a world of a difference and bring in some really fantastic revenues that you probably would never have imagined. Fortunately, there are a lot of companies that offer great value packages for domain web hosting. The trick that you need to keep in mind is to know which one is the right choice - and the right choice means the one with the most offerings that you can truly utilize given the nature of your business web site.

For one thing, the company that you plan to choose must have a license and run some corporate offices to ensure its legitimacy in the trade. Most people say that good domain web hosting service providers have comfortably nestled themselves in high positions for at least five years while still maintaining a dynamic stance in the game. The company that you plan to purchase from must have also established itself as having offerings that satisfy even the most advanced types of web hosting solutions. These companies also work very hard in order to maintain their positions of prestige in the realm of domain web hosting.

With more options to choose from, as well as higher quality services, it will soon be a cinch for you to narrow down your choices. Another aspect which you should look at when it comes to domain web hosting is that you must make it a point to look at the array of core strengths a particular domain web hosting company has in market. There are some indicators of strengths, particularly possessing unlimited options when it comes to shared hosting plans. Some of the best companies also feature servers that are dedicated and high in quality. There are also some domain web hosting companies that have made it their commitment to have really fast and redundant connections that are global tier 1 in nature.

Additionally, these companies also have extra added features common to excellent domain web hosting companies such as free password sharing as well as brute force protection. There must be no set up fees as well as any types of hidden charges and contracts. Furthermore, domain web hosting must also have a twenty four hour support via phone and email, manned at all times with customer service representatives ready to answer your call in a flash. If you really want value from your service, you should also ask if they have a thirty day no inquiries asked types of money back guarantee.

Also, there must be an offer of the best type of control panel as well as servers that are lightly loaded to ensure optimal performance. Clearly, one can see that these are quite competitive advantages that only a few really do have and that there must be significant gains over the price ratio of quality. If you can keep these important need to know tidbits of information, then there is a good chance that you might end up hiring the services of a domain web hosting company and will be one hundred percent confident about such a choice that you have made.

DWHS Inc. delivers cost efficient Web Hosting for your personal or commercial website with 24/7 online tech support and full customer satisfaction guarantee. For details visit

Business Web Hosting - A Maxim For Contemporary Time

By Charles Yarbrough

When it comes to business, web hosting is a great way to give your website more oomph for cash. Fortunately, there are a lot of services that have made it their mission to provide your website with the best kind of performance possible. This is achieved when all of the business web hosting services have servers that have repeating tiered types with one bandwidth connections so that in the event that one ends up going down (or even slowing down, actually), there will still be a connection that may roll over to the succeeding line in an instant.

In business web hosting, this is what is known as true network reliability. Aside from simply having extremely fast as well as reliable network connections, there are also a lot of web service host providers that also make full use of the quad cpu servers that also have what is called MySQL and DNS types of clustered services. When business web hosting is concerned, the combination of speed and reliability coupled with progressive daily backup as well as worldwide strong industry support, you will surely be able to realize why some clients actually line up to one service provider and stay with them for a longer time as a loyal and enthusiastic patron. For patrons who are into business web hosting, it is often said that they usually stay for more than an additional two years compared to other users (as mentioned in statistics on industry averages).

Moreover, these service providers are those who also have a very easy and efficient control panel called CPanel. This type has a lot of free tools for websites and will greatly expand the online presence of your website better than you had ever deemed it to be. For web business hosting, you should also take advantage of the many advanced security features that are custom-made to suit your preferences. Some of the great features that may lure you to this include a system that can block password sharing as well as forceful attempts to snag some passwords. Ideally, this should be the concern of business web hosting companies if they say that they truly do care about your as well as your online business and that they have committed to serving you by going the extra mile to meet and exceed your expectations of their services. Business web hosting companies are generally American in nature and you will find most of their offices in the California and Washington area - particularly Los Angeles and Seattle.

These business web hosting companies also started out simple - by sharing among themselves a data center in their main region back in the late nineties. They usually have great success when the boom of the internet came. However, a good number of these business web hosting companies also say that they have not yet reached a point where they have over-extended themselves. True to form, most business web hosting companies have maintained several impressive levels. Indeed, business web hosting is booming and you should definitely take advantage of this!

DWHS Inc. delivers cost efficient Web Hosting for your personal or commercial website with 24/7 online tech support and full customer satisfaction guarantee. For details visit


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