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Saturday, October 4, 2008

Why You Should Not Use Free Web Hosting

By Dhruv Patel

If you want to start online business or want to take your local business online, you need a web site. Just making web site won't take you online. You need one reliable and good web hosting company to host your web site on the Internet. Many web masters and entrepreneurs make mistake at the beginning. They think of hosting their web site at free web hosting company. There are many problems attached with free web hosting. In this article, I am going to discuss some of them.


The most common problem with free hosting is ads. Free hosting providers are not taking money from you but they need money to maintain their hosting service. So they will give ads on your web site and they will make money from your site. If these ads are content ads from Google AdSense or Yahoo! Publisher Network than we can understand that those ads are related to your content and it will add some value to your contents. However, in many cases these ads are not related to your contents. So your site will not make your visitors happy. You don't have any control over the ads given by your hosting company. You are forced to show their ads on your web site at the time of sign up service agreement. So there is nothing you can do about these ads.

URL and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Issue

Another big issue with free web hosting is with URL. They don't allow you to host your own domain to their hosting company. So you will have to use their sub domain to name your web site. Now you definitely don't want to name your web site using their sub domains. There is solution for this issue.

Use Redirect URL

Using redirect URL feature allows you to redirect users from your domains to the hosted sub domains. This makes sense from user point of view but redirecting creates another problem. When you redirect user from your site to another site, you are just forwarding all requests to another site. So in reality, your site doesn't have any data. When search engines like Google, Yahoo! or MSN live requests for your site, you will forward them also to another site. So search engines will think that your site doesn't have any data and they will not index your site. So there is no chance that you will get organic traffic from search engines.

Limited Control & Limited Band Width

Free hosting service providers don't give full control to you. So you cannot implement some advance operations like databases and .htaccess file. You are just given an ftp account to upload your files. No other access!

There is also a limitation on the bandwidth you use. So when you run out of your limit, your site access will be blocked. When any visitor visits your site, they will get message something like "This user has exceeded the data transfer limit. Please visit back again after a month". So nobody will get an access of your site until the end of that month.

Account Cancellation

All above problems are still fine but what if they cancel your free hosting account? Yes! It may happen. Your months of efforts to promote your site will be wasted. So there won't be any online business for you. If you are really serious about online business then don't go for free hosting service. There are many cheap and reliable hosting services available. You can use any one of them.

DreamHost is one of famous hosting service providers. Check out DreamHost Review for more details. With DreamHost Coupon, you will get an account at very cheap rate.

What is Linux Web Hosting?

By Dhruv Patel

When you search for a web hosting company, you often find the word "Linux Web Hosting". If you are a little technical person then you might know what is linux web hosting. In this article, I am going to give you details about Linux web hosting.

What Is Linux?

To understand about Linux web hosting, you need to understand what is Linux? In simple words, Linux is an operating system just like Windows 98, Windows XP or Windows Vista. You can do your daily computer task by installing Linux on your system.


Linux is a Unix like operating system. Linux was developed by Linus Torvalds in 1991. Torvald wanted to make a non-commercial replacement of Minix. Eventually, he came up with Linux kernel. A kernel is a core part of Linux operating system.

Free Source Code

Linux source code is freely available to everyone. Those who have slight idea about Linux always misunderstand things. Linux itself may not be free. The source code is free if you purchase any Linux distribution like RedHat or Ubuntu. Linux might cost you but you will get a source code free with Linux distribution. You are free to edit that source code as long as you follow the guidelines under GNU's General Public License.

What You Will Get With Linux Web Hosting?

Now you know what Linux is. You need to understand what you will get with Linux hosting and how Linux hosting works.

LAMP software bundle is used in any company providing Linux web hosting. LAMP stands for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP/Perl/Python

Linux, you know, is an operating system. Apache is a web server. Like Linux, Apache is also an open source project. Apache is widely used web server. It's not that Apache only runs on Linux. For Windows also, Apache is available. For serving HTML pages, web server is needed. Most Linux shared hosting uses Apache to server pages.

MySQL is a database. MySQL provides multi users access to many databases. For implementing an advance application, you need database access.

PHP/Perl/Python are programming language used for making very advance web application. Most of Linux web hosting supports PHP. Perl and Python are not supported by all web hosting providers. Only few web hosting providers support Perl and Python language.

Windows Hosting Vs Linux Hosting

When you want to host your web site, you might be confused about whether to choose Windows hosting or Linux hosting. There is not a major difference between Windows hosting and Linux hosting.

Windows is a property of Microsoft. If you are going to use any Microsoft applications like ASP.Net, Visual C++ or Frontpage, then it's advisable that you use Windows hosting.

From performance point of view there is not much difference between Windows and Linux hosting. Linux systems are more stable and less vulnerable to security breach. So with Linux hosting, you can expect more up time. Linux system runs for long time without rebooting. Windows need frequent rebooting after upgrade.

Major difference comes in price. Linux hosting is cheaper than Windows hosting. So if you are looking for cheap and reliable web hosting with no special usage of any Microsoft application then you should choose Linux web hosting.

DreamHost is a famous Linux web hosting provider. Check out detailed DreamHost Review. With DreamHost Coupon, you will get hosting at very attractive rate.

Dedicated Servers - What it is and How it Functions?

By Alpana A

A dedicated server is basically a single server on which a number of computers can work which is totally dedicated to one customer and his/her business. We often hear about dedicated servers, but why and when does our website require this type of server is needed to be understood first. When any website gains popularity and as a reason more and more people keep visiting the site, you will require a faster downloading server because there would be thousands of users logging in at one time to check out your website for products and info. To keep a check that your website is functional and your business does not suffer in any given ways, dedicated servers handle all the jobs of your web site which in turns benefits your business.

A good web hosting company will provide their clients with a well dedicated team to handle all the issues pertaining to technical as well as customer based issues, so that the client does not get affected in any way. In large businesses, dedicated servers have a lot of advantages. Firstly, the client has the free will to customize both the setups - hardware as well as software. Data can be taken out faster and more users can access the site easily. Secondly, the client has the liberty to connect all his chains or branches by making several domains within this server. It also saves a lot of money because different outlets do not have to host their website on different servers at the same time the web sites are also very efficient and operates faster.

Dedicated servers provide a high bandwidth and web space for the business. It is more flexible than any other shared web hosting as there is no sharing of web space or bandwidth with any other company and there is total control over the web server. Ecommerce web sites, Mail servers are good examples of dedicated servers. Plus it is much safer; it provides security against data and identity theft.

The author is associated with IDS Logic offering Managed Hosting India and Web Hosting Delhi solutions.

The Advantages Resellers Have by Switching to Windows

By Tom E Silver

Many resellers might find advantages of switching to a service that sells Windows server hosting over Linux. While Linux is a very popular hosting solution, Windows offers multiple advantages that would benefit a number of people. For this reason, it can be a very good product for sellers to resell.

Windows reseller hosting is really an all in one solution to hosting. You dont have to hold multiple accounts in order to keep up with all the clients that you might have, those that are normally spread out over the various control panels that you have in Linux. This might make keeping track of clients so much easier and save you a lot of time. You can still host applications written in any of the languages out there. This means you can run a PHP and MySQL based site right next to your ASP.Net SQL site as well. It is all on the same server and in the same control panel so you do not need to keep switching back and forth.

You can also use ASP.Net and ASP, a more powerful tool in the developing applications for the web. That is certainly not the case when you use UNIX. With the Windows hosting platform that lets you use ASP.Net and ASP, you can use those more popular content management systems and they will run well. The ASP scripting works so much better with a Windows hosting platform.

When you use Windows Reseller Hosting, you will always have the latest technology available that you can add to your portfolio of services. You will be able to offer Exchange 2007, and there is also Windows Mobile and the ActiveSync that goes with that. There is also the Push Technology and the SharePoint that is also available. All of these additional services you can offer with your hosting platform and it makes for additional income and a more powerful way to market your professional services.

The SQL Server provided by Microsoft is a data management and analysis software that has worked so well and has been rather reliable for a great many complex business applications. It is one of the fasted growing database solutions that is being used, and it can give a competitive advantage when you offer this with your Windows hosting as a reseller.

Compared to the UNIX control panel, the control panel of a Windows based hosting program has a clustered solution that makes use of the Active Directory technology also provided by Microsoft. This means it already has Enterprise level solutions right from the start. You show that you can meet growing demands, as you need them right away.

With all of these reasons to use the Windows hosting platform, it gives solutions to what you can offer to customers when you sell them this solution to their hosting needs. When you partner up with a reseller that offers this platform, you are offering many opportunities to grow and help your clients to expand their needs and utilize the latest technology. Once you try this reselling program, you will find a higher quality of customer and be able to offer long term, lasting professional hosting services.

ResellerChoice - A privately owned Windows Reseller Hosting service provider located in New Jersey, USA. A leader in Windows reseller hosting solutions including Windows dedicated servers and Windows VPS servers.

About Windows Hyper-V VPS Hosting and Its Effect on the VPS Hosting Market

By Tom E Silver

What is Windows VPS Hosting?

VPS or Virtual Private Server is a type of web hosting that virtually divides one physical server into different partitions. Subscribers to VPS hosting will still enjoy the security offered by a dedicated server but they would have to physically share a single server. VPS could be compared to a group of servers located inside a server. Each VPS can have their separate operating system and could work without influence from other server. A single VPS account could contain a system and booting a single private server will never affect other servers.

VPS hosting is made possible by the application that controls the different servers. With the introduction of Hyper-V and Windows 2008 VPS hosting providers will now have a much more secure and reliable platform over its predecessor Windows Virtual Server 2007. VS 2007 could not compete with the current offerings by providers such as VMWare but with Windows VPS servers hosted on Hyper-V and windows 2008 customers can expect a must better experience and performance boost from VMWare and the other VM managers on the market today when running the Windows OS.

Advantage of Windows VPS Hosting

Windows VPS hosting has a familiar features an administrator would expect from its creator. Using the familiar windows interface, setting up windows VPS hosting is a breeze. Because of the familiarity of the windows application to different types of hosting, administrators could easily adapt Windows VPS hosting and improve security.

Windows VPS Servers are also useful for companies and individuals that run higher-traffic Web sites, complex applications or require customized environments that cannot be provided in shared hosting but do not wish to have the overhead cost of dedicated hardware along with better control over the security.

Disadvantage of Windows VPS Hosting

Running the Windows OS on a VPS will make you think twice since it will require a considerable amount of resources from the server. But this could be addressed by using the latest version of Windows 2008 Secure Core, A scaled down version of the windows OS but some customers if running large number of applications may require a dedicated server due to the resource requirements of the Windows OS.

Windows VPS Hosting vs. Linux VPS Hosting

Windows VPS Hosting is often compared to Linux VPS Hosting. These two operating systems for VPS hosting has their advantage and disadvantages. Price wise, Linux is the clear winner since it is an open source which means the server host could obtain the software for free.

Windows on the other hand could be costly because of the payment for licenses. The disadvantage of Linux is largely based on the unfamiliar feel of this type of hosting. But when it comes to performance, both are almost the same since they base their performance mostly on their hardware instead of the operating system.

I think you will find Microsoft gaining a considerable lead in the Windows VPS market since they are already catching up in the Web Server usage counts due to the success of the .NET platform that is not available on Linux.

ResellerChoice - A privately owned Windows Reseller Hosting service provider located in New Jersey, USA. A leader in Windows reseller hosting solutions including windows dedicated servers and Windows VPS servers.

Microsoft Corporation (MSFT) provides software products for computing devices worldwide located in Washington, USA.

VMware, Inc. (VMW) provides software virtualization solutions.

How to Choose the Best Hosting Provider For Your Blog

By Tinh Tran

Nowadays, there are a lot of hosting providers that can offer you a lot of benefits if you use their services but you will never know whether their offers are what they have promised or not. Further, your requirements and your expected hosting providers' availability sometimes do not meet. That is why you need to know it before you make any purchase by any sources like reading web hosting articles for example or hosting reviews.

I myself have experienced with several hosting companies even free hosting providers. They offer a huge amount of space and unlimited bandwidth with 99,99% uptime and free domains for life. You can also host unlimited accounts on this package but they tell a lie. The server is down many times a week with no reason or over allocated bandwidth while it is supposed to be unlimited. It is so funny. Therefore, you should refer to different sources and read web hosting tutorials or ratings about all hosting providers and choose the best one.

Last week, I have read several useful web hosting articles about some hosting providers and I found out that no hosting companies are perfect to some extent. They all have limitations either capacity or space or even allowed scripts that users can upload to server. Fortunately, I got one from those services that can fit my purpose of my blog. It does not offer huge space or bandwidth but many bloggers rated it as the top one.

Just a bit experiences on how to choose the best hosting provider for my blog and I think you should think of what you need and what the hosting companies can offer. Good luck to you all and do not hesitate to recommend any hosting providers that I can think of. Further, when you recommend me any hosting providers, please kindly send me the sources of the web hosting ratings related to that provider so I can take it into account for future reference.

The World of Web Hosting Business Can Be Bad If You Do Not Know the Basics!

By Smit Mathur

Avoiding Scams while choosing a Web hosting service:

In today's competitive business world, web hosting companies are offering services at an extremely lower price. Due to competitive prices, scams keep popping their heads every now and then. While searching for a webhosting service, one can find numerous such websites offering free services. Most "Free" Web hosting sites usually trap individuals by acquiring their e-mail address and selling them to spammers or keep on popping their head in the form of "free offers" or force Google Adsense and other advertisements on web pages to draw people away from the site. It is advisable to stay away from any kind of free hosting services and sub domains with advertisements that are forced to be placed anywhere on the website.

What one needs is a webhosting service that is honest about a Bandwidth service. A good webhost should support scripting languages such as a MySQL and PHP and ensures no unnecessary banners or advertisements.

Choosing Reseller hosting as an excellent web hosting business:

Reseller hosting allows individuals to sell their hosting space to customers. Some webhosting companies offer a percentage of their income through a reseller hosting program. Individuals who sign up for reseller hosting are given a chance to set up their own prices for different webhosting packages and plans. Resellers either buy web hosting packages at a discount or pay at a flat rate which is lower than the price paid by the customers.

The best part of reseller hosting business is the hassle-free approach. There is no need to give technical support to customers and there is zero involvement in the billing process. Resellers are free to set their own prices for different web hosting packages and plans. This ensures full control over the profits generated from this business. They have access to their own personal account which displays the packages that are sold, details and statistics of customers and their accounts.

Resellers aiming for a particular sector of the market may either sell smaller packages to individuals and professional packages to organizations who want to attract more traffic. Some web hosting companies give the option to earn extra money from affiliate sales. This involves recruiting more individuals by promoting and advertising, making a profitable business opportunity.

Smit Mathur is an expert for writing Articles and is currently working for Aussie Webhost.For more information related to web hosting, Affordable web hosting, Business web hosting, Web hosting provider, Ecommerce web hosting, Web hosting solution please visit

Hostgator Web Hosting Review - Is it a Good Hosting Company?

By Segun Ling

A web host is a type of hosting service that allows individuals and companies to use space on their server to make their website accessible via the World Wide Web. Hostgator is very popular web hosting service which provides hosting to individuals and companies, a lot of things has been said about it but here is a review of what to expect from it.

They offer 3 main web hosting solutions which are shared, reseller and dedicated hosting. The kind of web hosting solution you choose would depend on what you need the hosting for. But shared hosting is usually good for those who have a lot of websites as it allows you to host unlimited domains on that one account.

The reseller package is good for those who want to sell web hosting or those who have websites that they would like to sell in the future, while the dedicated package is good for those who want to host their website but want to have the ability to go beyond what is found in a normal shared hosting package.

The good thing about this web host is that they offer support by email, phone and live chat and they also have a forum where you are free to discuss and ask questions on any issue you might be facing. The thing I did not really like was that it is not a one time fee, you have to keep paying as long as you continue to use them but you are free to cancel at anytime.

All in all, hostgator does look like a good web host and if you are some who is looking for a good web hosting company for your website, it might be worth giving them a try.

To read more about hostgator Click Here Now

Segun Ling likes to write articles on a wide range of issues

Finding the Web Hosting Service That's Right For You

By Paul Mcindoe

With so many webhosting companies all vying for your business, how can you be sure the one you choose is the best one for you?

When looking into webhosting services for your website the first thing to do is to assess your own personal needs as they pertain to those hosting services you'll want to consider. Small homepages will have vastly different web hosting criteria from the website of a large company for instance. It is also important to take into consideration anything you are planning on hosting in the near future as well and to take any potential growth into account so that you are not caught off guard by unexpected costs.

The next step in finding web hosting services for your needs is to compare the rates of different hosting companies. While many companies will offer temptingly low rates it's crucial to know how much the prices will grow if your services and customer base expand.

Good technical support from your web hosting company is also critical to success. The ability to solve any problems quickly with the least disruption possible is key to the growth of your website. The best technical support you can hope for from a web hosting company is an in house 24 hours a day, seven days a week, phone & email, based in your home country service. It's also worth finding out if the technical support is free or comes with a charge. Also, make sure the hosting company clearly defines "consulting" versus "technical support" as technical support will most likely be free while consulting may have a price tag.

You also need to know how fast your internet hosting company can provide access to anyone visiting your website. This is easily researchable, with the most obvious way being to visit other websites hosted by your potential web host, perhaps varying the time of day you visit the website and focussing on the times when you think your target audience will visit your website. The best webhosting services will offer high levels of uptime which should be a guarantee to motivate the company to keep servers up all the time, while providing impetus to act quickly if anything goes wrong.

You should also ensure that any web hosting companies you are considering doing business with offers the services your website will need in order to run smoothly. You may require services such as visitor counting, e-mail forwarding options, real-time chat and shopping cart functions among others and it's a good idea to make a full list of your needs so as to not forget to ask important questions during your research of web hosts. You may also want to consider webhosts which offer unlimited bandwidth, in case you have a website with a lot of visitors daily. Also ensure that any potential web hosting company offers some sort of control panel to allow you to make changes to the way your website is hosted so you won't have to work through customer service every time you need to modify a password or change an e-mail address, which can be an inconvenient and time consuming pursuit.

In many cases, particularly in business, your website can be your only opportunity to make a first impression and, as such, your web hosting company should be reliable, both for you and your customers. Once you have a detailed list of web hosts that can take care of the basic needs of your website, contact each of them for a more detailed discussion.

After all, careful consideration can save you a lot of time and money in the long run.

Paul McIndoe writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.

Becoming a Successful Web Hosting Reseller

By Paul Mcindoe

Web hosting is an exciting first business venture for many people, and while it might sound difficult to begin with becoming a successful hosting reseller is actually a fairly simple process. In many cases, you don't even have to do anything apart from sell the services of an established web host through your own website.

It is especially appealing to web designers and developers as an addition to your existing services.

The first step to becoming a web host reseller is to find a web host who offers multiple website hosting accounts. By taking out a multiple domain account, you can use one domain for the development of your own site and then set up other domains to clients' websites. This enables you to pay a regular fee to the web host while charging clients any price you wish.

After setting up your domains to clients, it is preferable to have full administrative control over your clients' websites. Ensure that your web host provides not only yourself with a control panel that features full administrative facilities to manage your account, but also provides your clients with their own control panel too. Perhaps the most important feature your web host should offer is the facility to hide your web host's identity, preventing clients from knowing that you are offering a third party service.

It is also essential that your clients have a copy of your terms and conditions, which are paramount in any business. While the writing of terms and conditions can be time consuming, many web hosts may let you copy theirs or supply you with terms and conditions specifically written for this purpose. It is also important to provide your clients with fast and reliable support, solving any problems that arise with their websites as soon as possible. Failure to do so will result in unhappy clients and it will also reflect badly on your other services. Tools such as white label guides offered by web hosts can help with this.

One of the best aspects of the business of reseller hosting is that you can start out on this business venture even if you do not have a great deal of expertise. It is also the case that there are times when a reseller can be more scalable than a typical hosting firm, due to true web hosts being limited in its hardware. If a client suddenly requires an upgrade that the host was not prepared for, it will have to go through the time consuming and costly process of upgrading its hardware. A reseller host, however, can simply choose a different web host that will better suit the needs of their customers.

Reseller hosting can be a great profit making venture once you're up and running and understand the figures and profit margins involved. Buying web space from a major web host is relatively inexpensive and can be redistributed to site owners who need space for uploading their website at a suitable cost. What's more, some hosts allow customers to oversell the space they buy and do not charge extra unless your account usage exceeds a certain level, while others offer unlimited web space and bandwidth at no additional cost.

It is said the average user uses less than half of their allotted web space, which means you could double or even triple sell your quota, earning substantially more money in the long run.

Paul McIndoe writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.

Web Hosting Information

By Paul Guzman

What is Web Hosting?

Is it actually a location where your website or blog reside? There are text files and graphic files that will be stored and saved for editing and publishing on the World Wide Web. The Web hosting companies have numerous servers that act as a data center. Folks who are looking for web hosting are typically newbie or novice type of Internet Marketing people and have no idea what they are looking for.

Here is information on what a person(s) should be looking for when it comes to web hosting.

1. Cost: How much do they charge per month? They usually start from $4.00 a month to about $50.00 bucks a month for a dedicated server. A dedicated server is where you have sole ownership of this server. A server is just another fancy word for a computer with mucho more memory than the average personal computer. No other client has a lease to the server.

2. A shared server is where you have numerous clients using the same server and is the reason why the cost is much lower. If you are just starting out this is what you want.

3. Storage: Anything over 300 Gigabytes is enough for the newbie Internet Marketer.

4. Bandwidth: Is data transfer rate which is the amount of data that can be carried from one point to another in a given time period (usually a second). 3,000 gigabytes of bandwidth is fast and if you are just starting out this amount is more than enough.

5. Support: This in my opinion is what really matters. Whenever a problem arises you have to get support asap. Here are a few things to look for whenever you need web hosting support.

a. Twenty four hours seven days a week Live support. If they have it... lt's worth it.

b. Forum. Do they have a forum? You will always find other forum members who may have a very similar problem.

c. Live chat. This must also be 24/7 so can ask questions early Sunday morning.

d. Tutorials-The more tutorials the better. Graphics or videos that will explain how to FTP or transfer a domain name. This is crucial when purchasing web hosting.

Paul Guzman is the author of this article: He is the owner and webmaster of

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Successful website Tips at:

Free Hosting Account

By Neil Little

Technically there is no such thing as a Free Hosting Account but what if it came with Free Website Creation Software as well. You would be interested especially as it doesn't have any third party adverts on as well.

Included with the software is instructional videos and tutorials on how to create your website from scratch to uploading it onto the web. Ready made templates and headers are also provided if you have no idea how to create your own.

Instead of using pre formatted fonts you have the option of using several different font styles. Background colours can be changed as well although it is not a good idea to have dark print on a dark background, but this can be pre viewed before uploading the site.

Adding images can be difficult to do but again instructional videos are provided to make this as painless as possible.

Surely no one offers this kind of Free Hosting and Website Creation Software but at Wealthy Affiliate you have complete access to this and more.

The name of this exciting and nowhere to be found Website Creation Software is Site Rubix

Unlike any other membership site Wealthy Affiliate allows you to have three separate domain names plus seven sub-domains to be hosted by them.

Creating domain names is a tricky thing to do because you will be trying to find a name that reflects on the type of site that you have created with this amazing software called Site Rubix, Wealthy Affiliate provides guidance in choosing your domain name.

The only additional costs are the domain names themselves and your membership to Wealthy Affiliate itself.

Discover now how to get started with using the FREE HOSTING ACCOUNT, TODAY.

Your Web Hosting Solutions

By Justin Knights

There a tons of web solution in the market today. If you search web hosting in the internet, you will have millions of result. There is the cheap hosting, low bandwidth hosting, dedicated hosting, shared hosting, Linux hosting, windows hosting and many more. For those who have zero idea about this, he will have overloaded information. It might cause confusion to that particular person. To help a new person, the information should be sorted out.

Let's look at the types of hosting. There are several types of hosting. Each is different and provides certain function. As an example, a website that receives 10 hits a day will not need a hosting but a website that receives more than 1000 hits a day will need one. These are the things to think about when you want to choose you hosting provider. If you are only looking for a simple website for people to visit consistently, you should use a Linux hosting. This hosting will prevent the 'no server response problem'. If you are looking to have a shopping website, you should think about using a hosting that have enabled features like shopping portal.

A dedicated hosting means that the server that is used is totally only for one company or website. As for a shared hosting, there may have more than one websites sharing the server. Dedicated server provides you with more options regarding operating system and data applications. You have control over it and you can change it if you want to.

To ensure that you make the right choice, you must always compare between companies to know which one provides the feature that is suitable for you. Understand the function and features that you need and search based on that.

Looking for an affordable web host? Check out Lunarpages! You'll get 15,000/1,500 GB bandwidth/disk storage in less than $5 with them. More details on LunarPages web hosting here

Article written by Justin Knights.

The Right Choice For Your Online Business

By Justin Knights

If you are planning to set up an online business using an e-commerce website, a web host is definitely your option because if you try to do it by yourself, it will take you a lot of work and time for you to solve the technical requirements.

Many e-commerce website owners hire a web host to do the job because the web host will be able to do everything for you. The host will set up the pages, HTML as well as scripts and internet connection so that your website will be available in the internet. Some hosting is free but they will have all sorts of ads appearing on your website. You will also have limited bandwidth and disk space.

The better alternative is to go for a professional website with a web hosting. They have different packages to meet the requirements for small or large businesses. With all the companies available out there, all you need to do is to choose one that suits your demand. You can make your choice depending on your need like the bandwidth, disk space, price, reliability and so on.

To get the best out of your website business, you should choose the company with the best reliability. Reliability is utmost important because it represents the availability of your website. Once you have the choice, make sure that the company also provides enough bandwidth for you and also pay attention to the disk space. If the bandwidth they offer is not enough to support the traffic you are getting, you might end up paying extra fees for your bandwidth. Therefore, choose wisely.

Another feature to look out for is the customer support. Get a company that offers 24 hours support daily. They should provide support via phone line, internet chat or email. You can easily test out their support by calling them and ask related questions regarding web hosting breakdown causes. Running an e-commerce website should also have a powerful security system. The servers must have certified security measurement to make sure that the data in your database is safe. After all, all the data are the details of your clients, therefore, good security is the key to customer's protection.

One of the most important features to have in a shopping website is the shopping cart feature. This will be available to you just by using shopping cart software. The web hosting company will usually have this included in the package. This is essential so that your customers could purchase product from your website with ease. To manage your business, you will need the power to have control over what is going on in your website. Therefore, you must have some variety in the background like PHP. This will give you the ability to have the sort of look you want to project in your website.

The question is, how much will it cost you to get a host for your shopping website? For a shared hosting, you could probably get one for $20 a month. The price is only a minor question that you should ponder. In fact, you should put more attention in the function of the hosting. In the end of the day, you will make money if your website is working perfectly. So, if you get something cheap, it will not deliver the results. Something too expensive will burn a hole in your pocket, therefore, choose wisely.

To have your website viewed by many people, you must have some sort of marketing tactics. Among the marketing perks available out there is Google AdWords or Yahoo Search Marketing. There are also other alternatives in the internet. Some host provides these perks or advertising, so you could make the best out of the packages available but do consider your need and spending power.

As a conclusion, the most important factor for you to have a great shopping website is the web host. Choosing the correct web host could solve all your problems and vice versa. So go ahead and scout for your web host that will boom your internet business.

Ever heard of Hostgator? For those who are starting off in the web hosting, I would recommend you to check out on their Baby gator hosting plan (Hostgator hosting package) as I believe they are one of the best. For detail review, visit

Article written by Justin Knights.

Prepay Account For Web Hosting

By Justin Knights

With the intense competition in among web hosting companies, more and more features are being introduced in their packages. One new thing that we can see is the cheaper monthly fees if you prepay your web hosting services for one year. Companies like LunarPages and Ipower will only require a fee of $7.95 a month if you prepay one year's subscription for your package. This is a move by web hosting companies to have their customers stay with them. With the additional money, the web hosting company will purchase additional equipment and servers. In other word, the clients who prepay their account sort of like pay for their servers with their initial payment.

For customers, they might wonder is this initial payment a smart move to do. For subscription, customers could make a choice of annual or biannual. With that, they could actually save 20-40% per month. However, there are risks that you must take, for instance, if the company provides bad service, you will be stuck with that and you will not be able to take or request back your prepaid money. There is another issue, if the company goes bankrupt, your money will go into the drain too.

If you want to prepay the hosting company to enjoy discounts, choose a reputable company which has been around for quite some time. This decreases your chance of loosing your money because reputable company will always improve their service. Do not giver in the cheap bargains because they often prove to be unreliable. Reputable companies also provide reliability that is essential for your website.

To check on the reputation of the companies out there, you could actually do it by looking through BBB which reports on the level of service provided by the companies out there. You can check the level of service and be sure that the service level is maintained. If the level drops, the company might be running into trouble or incapable of keeping their customers attach to them. With that, you can really find out which company is the right one for you.

Ever heard of Hostgator? For those who are starting off in the web hosting, I would recommend you to check out on their Baby gator hosting plan (Hostgator hosting package) as I believe they are one of the best. For detail review, visit

Article written by Justin Knights.

More Flexibility With Dedicated Hosting?

By Justin Knights

Dedicated hosting service which is also known as dedicated server or managed dedicated server hosting is a kind of hosting where customers could choose to have their files uploaded and displayed on their website. Customers that choose this option will lease the entire server meaning that they are not sharing the server with any other parties.

A dedicated hosting is hosting that provides more flexibility for a company. It gives the client more control over the server. This is something which is not available in shared hosting packages. Furthermore, dedicated hosting also allows clients to choose the operating system, hardware options and script installations that they prefer.

This hosting is beneficial for business clients because of its superb security. It prevents the possibility of downtime occurring because your website is not sharing the server with another website. The same thing goes for the security issue when sharing the server with another website. This is ideal for companies to protect the information or database regarding their customers which if often confidential.

Those features are not possible with shared hosting. The security and accessibility issues are slightly more fragile with shared hosting. When a particular website in a server experiences a major surge in traffic, it could affect other websites which is hosted in the same server. Therefore, this makes other websites slower or even inaccessible. This is something you don't have to put up with if you are using dedicated web hosting

In all aspects, dedicated hosting is definitely the choice for serious business builders who are concentrated on content development and design perfection as well as technical superiority. Dedicated hosting companies provide skilled staff to manage your servers and assure that any problems that may arise is solving in the minimum amount of time.

Although one may prefer shared hosting in the beginning, as time goes by, the demands increase and dedicated hosting will be their only option to provide quality service in their business.

Ever heard of Bluehost? For those who are starting off in the web hosting, I would recommend you to check out on their hosting plan as I believe they are one of the best. For detail hosting review, visit

Article by Justin Knights

Hosting Web Pages For Free With Squidoo

By Justin Knights

In the world of internet, hosting is one of the most competitive markets. A hosting plan could cost from $1 but could even cost $100. However, research has shown that the average cost for a host is around $20. This cost is rather cheap if you only have 1 website. If you have more than one, the cost is going to multiply. Say you have 100 websites, the cost is going to have a large difference. Therefore, many internet marketers are looking for alternative to get free hosting.

One of the top free hosting providers around is Squidoo. Squidoo is a 2.0 website that is great for those who wants to create blogs. Their service is free and you can create as many blogs as you like. Another added value of using Squidoo is the AdSense revenue-sharing. You will be able to keep a percentage of the revenue from AdSense.

So, making money with Squidoo blogs is a very interesting idea. However, what is the best way to do it? The answer is simple. Build you blog with articles which surrounds the topic of your affiliate program. It is very important that you don't simply post any advertisement which may have nothing in common at all. Your website visitors might not click those ads. The better way to do it is to build up the interest on your product and services by providing valuable information.

You just have to be clear of your main business and the secondary business, which is AdSense. If you visitors do not click on your AdSense ads, you need to try more incorporate keywords for the AdSense bots to pick up. For better results, you can try the more popular keywords or even purchase the AdSense keyword list. Utilize these keywords in your text and you should be able to gain more revenue from AdSense in your blog.

With Squidoo, your blogs are more likely to appear on peoples search because of their high page rank in search engines. This is a very good way for beginners to find their way into this field. Therefore, Squidoo not only is the best solution for a free website hosting, it also provides more chances of profiting from your blog with the shared revenue in AdSense. Although the revenue is shared, the popularity of Squidoo in search engines definitely can help a beginner in internet marketing.

Ever heard of Bluehost? For those who are starting off in the web hosting, I would recommend you to check out on their hosting plan as I believe they are one of the best. For detail hosting review, visit

Article by Justin Knights

Web Hosting Administration - Things to Consider

By Joseph Nyamache

Whether or not you choose to administer your own web hosting plan will depend on many factors and considerations on your part. Most website owners are more concerned with creating the site and running their business, while occasionally adding content and enhancements to their site. For them, the site is a means to an end, rather than an end in itself. It is often the case then that they have either little interest in, or time for, technical administration duties like database management, testing backups, email administration, disk space management, applying patches and bug-fixes and all those other jobs involved in site administration.

Of course, cost always plays a major role in deciding on the type of web hosting plan to choose. Especially for a small startup business, paying a technical assistant can be out of bounds budget wise. The fees charged by technical consultants can be as little as a few dollars an hour (but at this extreme, they are likely to be relatively unskilled and will most definitely not provide or render a quality job) to more than $100 an hour. On the high end, this can simply be too expensive for a lot of small businesses.

Hiring permanent employees to perform these duties generally costs somewhere in the middle after considering their salaries, taxes and so on. Often, these functions can be incorporated into a web hosting package. This is cheaper than hiring a consultant, but keep in mind that such a web hosting company employs staff that has plenty of servers besides yours to think about. As a matter of fact, some of those really established and busy companies may have hundreds to deal with. They are likely to give too much individual care to any one server or website.

Newer website owners are sometimes intimidated by the technical web hosting terms or nature of server and site administration. However, just a little familiarization with the subject reveals that it is less complicated than you might think. Many administration tasks are fairly simple and repetitive in nature. You can learn these skills without too much trouble. Try using a free web hosting company or a test site to hone your admin skills without losing anything except of course a little bit of your time.

Once you've tackled this learning curve, you may find administration of your server and web hosting plan not so much of a challenge. Some even find these tasks to be enjoyable. The site owner who is also an administrator has far more control over the finished product - and many like being able to point to the site and say - I did that with a sense of pride. Some webmaster like that so much that they decide to do so for the long term.

This hands-on learning also will enable the site owner to be better able to judge the technical skills of any new technical staff or consultants taken on. If you've had to perform a task yourself, it is much easier to evaluate someone else's performance of it. Each site is dependent on many different things, a lot of them entirely behind the scenes which must keep on running in order for your site to perform at optimal levels. Whether or not you decide to administer your web hosting server side and other web hosting tasks will depend on whether you possess the skills and have the time and will to do so. This is the kind of cost/benefit analysis that you undertake in every other aspect of your business.

Secure your own cheap ecommerce hosting plan today.

Visit Joseph Nyamache site about ecommerce web site hosting for more information.

Changing Your Web Host - What to Consider

By Joseph Nyamache

When switching your web host, something which at some point almost every site owner will have to do, this activity can be as simple as switching out older hardware for newer models. It might also (and usually does) involve seeking out a new web hosting company. When it's time to make this decision, here are some things to think about.

Switching out hardware or software, or both is a pretty straightforward process. You can either keep your own hardware and software at a hosting facility which others manage, or you might be considering an upgrade to newer systems, also maintained by someone else.

In both of these scenarios, it is question of weighing the cost and impact in the short term against the benefits in the long term. If your current systems are low on capacity, then you will be forced to make this change eventually anyway. The hardware will fail or become too overloaded to run properly, or your site will grow to the point that the extra expense that comes with a move is worthwhile.

A lot of web hosting companies simply fall short of expectations that most some more demanding website may need. Unfortunately, this is an all too common situation. In such a situation where you find that your host does not provide all the features that you need for your site, you might consider switching to a more reliable web hosting company.

Many decide to make the switch on an emotional basis. While this isn't necessarily bad, it's always best to keep a cool head. Some minor hassles here and there are usually not so bad, provided service overall is good. However, when it starts to cause a drop in your traffic, it's time to switch.

Look at the stats to know when you reach this tipping point. Get figures from your hosting company, or maintain them yourself, more so check your bandwidth usage and availability. If your server is down a lot of the time, or chronically overloaded, you should act.

You'll have to be in contact with the support staff at your hosting company at some point. Even if you maintain your own server, database and website, there is someone behind the scenes making sure that the entire infrastructure hums along as it should. For instance, if you are driving on potholed roads, it isn't sufficient to be able to fix your own car.

The web hosting company needs to have people on staff who can handle bandwidth, security, disk space and every other aspect of keeping your site up and running. When the support staff at your web host fails; whether from lack of resources, incompetence or a culture of mediocrity, it is your website that pays the price. This is actually the reason why most webmaster decides to switch web hosts.

Remember that even if your web host is great at first, things change. Staff turnovers, new management and corporate takeovers can all impact their service. In some cases, it's not the hardware or software that needs changing.

Secure your own cheap ecommerce hosting plan today.

Visit Joseph Nyamache site about ecommerce web site hosting for more information

Opting For a Managed Dedicated Hosting Service

By Glenn Wiener

If you are running a small business, then you are probably concerned about how ecomm is changing how people do business these days. Unlike before when you didn't need to have your own computer and you didn't have to worry about web hosting, these days, there is an unspoken rule that if you want to prosper in your business, you need to have web presence. Having your own website would help you generate and facilitate sales.

If you are looking for a small business hosting service, you have several options to choose from. You really don't have to worry about the cost because there are many affordable webhosting providers offering their service.

Different Categories of Small Business Webhosting Services

Hosting website services for small businesses can be divided into four categories -- corporate co-location, managed web hosting, shared and in-house. Among these four, it is advisable for you to start with managed dedicated hosting. What does this mean? Basically, when you use a dedicated hosting website service, it means that you would rent your dedicated server from a service provider. Of course, you may customize your server and place remote server access. However, the service provider would be responsible for providing the hardware and software needed to operate the server. They would also be responsible for installing and maintaining the same. What does this mean to you then? This translates into cost savings for you and your business.

When you opt for managed dedicated hosting, you will be able to avoid the expense associated with setting up and maintaining a website. The cost of the bandwidth is oftentimes distributed to all the provider's clients, so all of these clients save a lot of money. You would also be able to enjoy the quirks offered by the managed dedicated hosting providers. You could take advantage of the service packages as well.

A corporate co-located webhosting, on the other hand, allows you to store your own hardware and Internet connection into a particular server space that your provider will allocated for you. This allows you to save a few dollars here and there, but this does not offer the same savings that managed dedicated hosting service does.

Choosing Your Managed Dedicated Hosting Server

Generally if you want a secure, reliable but completely affordable way of putting up your website, website hosting is the perfect choice. However, you should make sure that you have a reliable webhosting provider. They should be able to ensure that they can provide search engine visibility for your website, so check for a dedicated webhosting server that is continuously up and running. This will guarantee that your website will be up all the time and people will be able to have access to you and your service at all times.

These days, business owners need to have their own website if they want to stay ahead of their competitors. However, you need to make sure that would still be able to save money from setting up and maintaining a website and you can only do this if you use a managed dedicated hosting service.

Glenn Wiener is a the author for a Managed Dedicated Hosting site site where he is writing articles about Corporate Colocation Server Hosting

Why Use GIS?

By Georgio Galveston

Geographical Information Systems have become a focal point and a saviour for many businesses and organizations where geographical images and maps are a main component of their everyday lives. GIS is a technology which allows users to create, analyze, edit, customize and render geographical data such as maps. GIS's have numerous uses across a varied range of industries. It used to be very expensive to run GIS, but now with GIS hosting and map hosting technologies becoming more common and easier to implement, alongside the development of open source applications, it has become relatively cheap to run GIS, here are some of the most common uses for GIS.

Create Maps

GIS is an essential tool for people who are looking to create and make geographical maps public or private on the internet. It deals with the data and renders it in many ways to make it accessible and suitable for online publication. An example application would be Google Maps which is very popular software available worldwide.


Studies have found having visual aids in teaching classes holds the attention of student more than just talking, in classes such as geography, the teacher can use GIS to show maps on a projector to help them with getting their points across and teaching specific areas of knowledge.

Crisis management

Crisis management officers can use special awareness aspect of GIS systems to plan procedures if a crisis happens in a certain town or city, it can lead to a more effective decision making process as they have the geographical data in front of them.

Other uses of GIS include pollution analysis and control and human resource management. The possibilities are endless. When choosing to implement GIS, it is important to choose a suitable GIS hosting package, make sure the host have the capabilities to handle the advanced technological abilities a GIS possesses.

Written by Georgio Galveston. Find the best information on Internet Map Server as well as Open Source GIS

What You Should Know About GIS Hosting

By Georgio Galveston

GIS is also known as Geographical Information System. GIS technology is used to capture, store, analyzing and managing data with geographical attributes such as maps. It is also used for creating and customizing or editing geographical data. Graphical Information Systems have paved the way for people to analyze geographical data in numerous ways, an example of the use of GIS would be to upload a map of a specific large area, and analysts can then check the map over for information such as the terrain type, distance over a specific area and pollution. The possibilities are endless with GIS; it has been very useful in tasks such as disaster management, market research and environmental research.

GIS often requires specialist hosting in order to be able to handle the different technologies needed for getting everything online. The hosting solution must be able to handle commercial and open source technologies such as PHP, Mapscript, PostGIS and Mapserver. The latter, Mapserver is a very popular open source application which specializes in rendering geographical images ready for the web for the user to use, search and edit. Mapserver uses various programming languages which include Pearl, PHP, Python, Java and C# and is available on most operating systems.

Some of the most well know GIS applications on the market at the moment are Google Maps and Live Maps. GIS hosting and map hosting is a very complex process which require a lot of technological knowledge to implement and maintain. A quick search on the Internet will reveal numerous hosting companies who specialize in hosting GIS and special mapping software. In the future we will certainly be hearing and seeing much more of these technologies coming into the mainstream which is partially thanks to technological advancements in creating more powerful personal computers, laptops and cell phones.

Written by Georgio Galveston. Get all you need to know about GIS Hosting and even Web Based Mapping

What is a Geographic Information System?

By Georgio Galveston

In a world dominated by technology and new inventions, the introduction of a geographic information system was a god send!

The term sounds extremely complicated and difficult to understand, however in a brief breakdown of the description you could quite easily refer to a geographical information system as an electronic device that saves data!

The data inputted into the system is able to be saved and closely looked at for future reference (that data can be traced to a global positioning) Yes the benefit of a GIS system is that you are able to refer to the electronic device to help you along in your travels!, A GIS system also has the facility to edit.

You can certainly play around with this piece of technology! The device allows you to share your geographic findings and send them to your colleagues and friends. There is no end to the features on this little piece of technology.

Another benefit of this gadget is that it has no specific target group! Yes the people that invented this mapping device made sure that people in all sectors could benefit from its clever homing skills.

It's a useful device to have if your job is not office based, you can be sure never to get lost with GPS technology. The device is use by people in ALL warps of life around the globe. The topic can be studied in university and you can work your way towards a degree in Geographic information systems. There would be no shortage of jobs to suit your qualification as GPS is a broadnatured qualification. It's a skill with the capability to be applied towards ANY job.

The emergency services are thanking their lucky stars for this invention as GIS systems are able to locate the location of disaster areas, the clever technology works out the time needed to arrive to the problem stricken areas! Can you afford to be without one?

Written by Georgio Galveston. We provide you with the very best knowledge regarding GIS Web Hosting as well as Map Hosting.

What Exactly is Pipeline GIS?

By Georgio Galveston

Any nation has its own style and approach in trade, especially in importing goods, oil and other raw materials or product from other countries. Transporting the products from the point of origin to the drop off point is one very critical part. However, modern as we are today, there are already available transportation modes to use where these imported products can be moved. You have the cargo planes, oil tankers, ships and a pipeline. All other transportation facility has its own monitoring system. Particularly the pipelines, it uses a very high tech system of monitoring - the pipeline geographic information system.

Pipeline geographic information system or most commonly known as the pipeline GIS is an interface of data stored in a system that can be analyzed, edited, displayed or presented, shared or integrated into the system. These data are useful for a pipeline company to monitor the ins and outs of their pipeline system, which sometimes takes miles and miles to track. GIS made the tracking for these pipeline companies easy. Data can be gathered and analyzed in a snap.

What is this thing called GIS that are used by pipeline companies? As a system, these are set of tools used to gather and analyze data. This information system is often used for investigation, asset management, logistics, marketing, and many monitoring purposes. ESRI, Intergraph, Autodesk, and MapInfo are some of the known software developers of GIS applications.

Although many are still questioning the use of GIS system, the future for this technology is very promising and very helpful to a business. The market, in a way, became more competitive with this technology. As the GIS applications continually improve, in terms of hardware and software, there is no doubt that it will be a big hit in the market several years from now. With the vast use of internet, satellites, and GPS technologies, GIS is one technology that is rapidly becoming popular today.

Written by Georgio Galveston. If you interested in GIS Web Hosting then you've come to the right place! You can also learn more about Map Hosting.

Now You Can Learn About GIS

By Georgio Galveston

Geographical Information Systems have undergone some amazing technological advancement over the last few years. It used be for the brave and the computer geeks who could implement and run GIS programmes and software, it also used to be very expensive to purchase and host. Now however costs have come down due to better developments in open source GIS software and technological advancements in servers. Like with most things these days, there is a learning curve in implementing and using a GIS programme or software. There is help out there and here's a little guide to give you a push in the right direction.


Before you do anything, you will need to find a GIS hosting company, there are numerous out there these days, a quick search for GIS hosting of map hosting will bring up many results. It is important to make sure the hosting company has the capabilities to handle GIS programmes. Also make sure your GIS hosting company has the expertise to help you along the way with the implementation and operation of the GIS programmes and software. Price should also be a factor, remember that the cheapest is not always the best suited a good balance between specifications and price is always the best option.

Learn GIS

There are many resources available in order to learn the techniques of operating a GIS programme. The internet is a huge bank of knowledge with numerous web site who offer tutoring and advice free of charge. There are also numerous books on the market to purchase; it's all about finding the medium which is best suited to you. If you are a business, it could be worthwhile hiring a consultant to come into your workplace and teach employees how to use GIS for a couple of week or a month, this however is an expensive option.

Written by Georgio Galveston. If you interested in Mapserver Hosting then you've come to the right place! You can also learn more about GIS Map Server.

Geographic Information System - Mapping of Our Future

By Georgio Galveston

Although they have been around for years, with the modern day technology, geographic information systems are becoming more popular. Many businesses and organizations use geographic information systems as their navigational tools more so today than decades ago.

In its simplest form, geographic information systems pose as a map that pinpoints certain objects and characterizes the importance of those objects. GIS goes as far as back as cave dwellers. What do you think it was when they drew maps on the wall? They were allowing the readability of specific points of interest.

The geographic information system is now more technical, as it has grown with age the same way our society has. It has become more complex and used much more often. The geographic information system can now be found used with those who build roads, buildings, and much more. These geographic information systems can be found in higher end businesses as well not just those that build. The GIS can help promote your business in ways that you have never heard of. Geographic information systems are able to provide solutions to many potential problems business owners and workers face in today's society.

Nowadays, you can find geographic information system consultants that can help you to your specific needs. With the needs changing everyday for business owners and employees, geographic information systems and consultants can develop new ways and processes of handling things in a more efficient and quick manner.

If you are looking for new results, ideas, and technologies, geographic information systems is the process one should begin with. It allows you to view potential losses before they happen, therefore, allowing you to fix the problems before they actually occur. Geographic information systems will serve as the building ground for the new successful business you will see in the near future.

Written by Georgio Galveston. Learn all the top info on GIS Web Server plus even Open Source GIS.

All About Map Hosting

By Georgio Galveston

Map hosting is often called GIS Hosting, GIS stands for geographical information system. A GIS is an effective way for businesses, organizations and individuals to render and upload their geographical data such as maps. These maps via the GIS can then be analyzed for data such as terrain type, be edited in order to show pollution levels as a presentation or pitch, or simple just to show the public a certain map, just like Google Maps do to a great success, which has enabled them to take the technology further and develop further GIS based applications.

If you are looking to host GIS software or a GIS application, the hosting you choose is important because of the technological complexity involved in GIS applications. It is important that the hosting allows the installation process of the GIS to run as smoothly as possible, especially if the user does not have much experience in the map hosting field. It used to be very expensive to publish map on the web, but now as servers get more advanced etc it's not too expensive so consider the cost involved.

A GIS hosting company will usually offer after sales support, so they don't just leave you to face a whole host of problems if you are inexperienced, a good host will guide you thorough the process and will always be available if you need their help. Some even go the extra yard and offer comprehensive GIS training, at an extra cost of course, but this would be an advantageous feature because the initial financial outlay might be greater, but in the long run it will pay off as you will be more knowledgeable and will be able to do most thing yourself instead of having to hire outside help. Al of these factors should suit your needs and requirements, remember to shop around and remember that cheapest is not always the best.

Written by Georgio Galveston. Find the best information on GIS Hosting as well as Online GIS

All About Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

By Georgio Galveston

To fully grasp the techniques that allows Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to tick is difficult and requires a certain understanding the nature of this technology. At core, GIS is a system that allows data to be analyzed on a location-by-location basis. Of course, this is a heavily simplistic version of the truth, but it serves to allow us to begin to scratch the surface of this complicated system.

How GIS Operates

Any systems such as GIS must be capable of four basic abilities: capture, storage, analysis, and finally, display. In terms of GIS, all information must be captured with location in mind, thus it must utilize some methods of indicating location, such as a coordinate system. Once captured and stored, the potential for analysis is huge, as it is possible to compare locations in terms only limited by the variety of data that is captured.

Further extending this potential is the fact that by correlating various data and analyzing patterns, a plethora of trends, conclusions, and predictions may be formed. For example by comparing various rainfall patterns, and observing changes that may occur, it would be possible to reasonably predict the occurrence of a dry-spell. Of course, it is hardly as easy as it sounds; the analysis methods that are required for the task would be daunting to grasp without proper study.

Still, the continued development of GIS has allowed us to tap into the enormous potential that it offers, with much more yet to come. Unfortunately, for laypeople, as GIS develops, it gets horrendously more complex in nature, but the core idea behind its usage remains pretty much unchanged, though admittedly new functions for it keep surfacing. For the average Joe or Jane, perhaps the most prominent view of GIS in action would be Google Maps or Live Maps, for now, at least.

Written by Georgio Galveston. Learn all the top info on Mapserver Hosting plus even Internet Map Server.

How to Choose Windows Web Hosting

By Chris Robertson

There is one area of computing where Microsoft does not dominate, and that's the web. Sure, Microsoft managed to outmuscle Netscape in the early browser wars, but by and large, the web has always been, and remains, a thorny venue for Microsoft, one where the boys from Redmond are routinely outfoxed and outmaneuvered by smaller, nimbler and more innovative companies. That said, Microsoft, of course, remains the biggest and most important software company in the world, and it almost totally owns the corporate market. So while there are millions of websites running on open-source Apache, Microsoft's ASP.NET web application development framework is used by a larger developer community to build dynamic websites. Which means that Windows web hosting is an issue for anyone working with ASP.NET.

The generic problem is that it isn't always easy for Windows developers to find a reliable, cost-competitive outfit that supports web hosting and actually knows something about it. Same for smsql hosting. Everyone supports MySQL, PERL and PHP, but far fewer are equipped to properly handle ASP.NET 1.1, 2.0 and 3.5. Maybe that's because open source is free whereas Microsoft products are quite expensive, or maybe it's because it's generally more difficult to find support staff trained in Microsoft's web application model. Be that as it may, it can be hugely frustrating to sign up with a company that claims to support Microsoft's web application framework when they're really just a Perl web hosting outfit.

What separates a company specializing in Windows web hosting from run-of-the-mill hosts? Well, they support, of course, the components common to all web development (like PHP, Perl, MySQL, etc.). However, in addition they must support all major ASP.NET revs as well as provide MS-SQL hosting, with MS-SQL being Microsoft's version of an SQL-based relational database. They offer MS-AJAX support on ASP.NET, and they let you create web directories with unique permissions and authentication levels, and generate application directories from the control panel.

As far as open database connectivity goes, you want to be able to set up DSN-less connections via ODBC use in addition to file-based DSNs. This means a Windows web hosting company should support Paradox, Visual FoxPro, Excel, the Access JET OLEDB, the Microsoft Database and SQL driver, and PostgreSQL on top of the standard MySQL ODBC drivers. You also want to be sure that all of this is not only available, but that tech support is able to assist if you have questions or encounter a problem. There's nothing more frustrating than playing email ping-pong with clueless tech support folks when you have a client project deadline.

Many ASP.NET programmers are still using ASP or manage ASP-based client projects. This means they need specific server object, and the host must support those as well. It gets right back to picking someone familiar with Microsoft's way of doing web business.

What else do you need for good Windows web hosting? The same as you'd look for in any web host: decent equipment, quick tech support response, competitive pricing, and hosting packages that address your needs. Picking the right web host is really like selecting application software - it's got to be right for the job.

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web. Learn more about Windows Web Hosting.

Data Centre Failure

By Amy Nutt

There are many reasons in which a data centre can fail. It can be quite frustrating, so it is important to know what those reasons are so that you can prevent them or know what to do when they happen. Because a lot of data centres exist on a site separate from the computers that are retrieving data from them, it is important that data centres continue running. When they go down, all computers pulling from them from various places around a single country or even the world are not going to be able to retrieve any information. Such is true for customer service jobs in which customer information must be retrieved from a secure data centre that resides elsewhere. If that data centre is not operating, money is lost because employees are unable to do their jobs and customers become very unhappy that their situation cannot be resolved.

Reasons why data centres fail

Some of the reasons why data centres fail can be prevented and then there are some ways in which they cannot. However, it is important to do what is necessary to ensure as few outages as possible.

Here are some reasons for failure:

- The "wear-in" phase - This is the point in time in which the data centre has just become operational. It is typical that certain things may fail as they are trying to become fully operational. It is like a toddler learning how to walk. The data centres has to walk too, so it is good to let it run with minimal use and gradually build until it has gotten its legs. This involves comprehensive testing as the system usage increases in order to fix problems before they become a problem.

- The "wear-out" phase - This is when the data center is reaching the end of its life. Regular maintenance and care will slow this process, but major parts will eventually wear out. It is ideal to consistently monitor the system in order to predict failure and avoid catastrophe.

- Power failure - Power failure is devastating to anything that relies on it for operation. It is especially devastating to a data center. That is why it is important to have a generator or two ready to take over in case the power goes.

- Generator failure - Generators need care too and they need to be tested. Power goes out and generators take over in order to keep the data center running. Generators have been known to go out and cause data center failure.

- Metal whiskers - If the data center hardware is sitting on a metallic surface, then that metallic surface could grow zinc whiskers. These have been known to cause short circuits, especially in data centers. There are also tin whiskers that grow out from tin and they too cause shorts. Silver whiskers that grow on silver electrical contacts and gold whiskers that develop on gold plated services are also known to cause short outs. Large fans that suck the whiskers in can be used and the elements that produce them can be replaced.

Prevention is key

Prevention is the key to keeping your data centre up and running. If any of these elements occur, it is good to stay calm and do what needs to be done to keep the problem from occurring again. If you have experienced generator failure, you may wish to invest in a backup to your main generator. If you're building a new data center, be sure to use flooring that does not produce any type of metal whiskers that can short out your hardware. By being vigilant, you can ensure that your data center uptime will be at or near 100%.

Providing a network of state-of-the-art data centres. We are CICA 5970 and SAS 70 Certified, which is the highest available standards for measuring and improving data center operations and management.

Web Hosting Company - How and Why it is Important?

By Alpana A

The next step after you have created your web site is to host your website on the internet. This is where a web hosting company comes into the picture. A hosting company has a big role to play in making your website a success. But, how do you choose the right web hosting provider from the number of companies offering such services. There are few factors that are crucial for any website and these become the deciding factors while making that selection as well.

A web hosting company has gained a lot of significance over a period of time because of the changing society and trends. People have become so involved in their work and social life that hardly anytime is left to go for shopping or an event. Everybody wants everything at the click of a button. That is why major companies and retailers are creating web sites to attract more customers. And once you have more websites, you definitely need hosting companies where your website can be put up for customers.

Before starting any search regarding your site, do a thorough research on the internet about web hosting companies and the solutions they provide. The first thing that you need to do is make a list of your requirements - do you need a web hosting solution that needs a lot of bandwidth? What sort of traffic you can expect? This will help you narrow down your search and give you a better picture of which web hosting company fits your bill. Once, you have chalked out your requirements you can start your hunt.

1. Reliability: This is a vital part of any web hosting provider. The uptime that the company provides to your website decides how visible your web site will be on the internet. Most providers assure 99.9% uptime guarantee, but you can always analyze the uptime of the company by the clients of the company and the satisfaction level.

2. Service - Be it technical or customer care, the web hosting provider should offer a dedicated team that is available 24/7 for your web site and who will make sure your website is never down due to technical issues. Some companies take care of these issues before the client comes to know.

3. Bandwidth and Diskspace - You need to make sure that apt amount of diskspace and bandwidth is provided according to the size of your web site. Database, html and images are some of the extra features that are offered as a part of the package.

And last but not the least; your budget needs to be taken care of along with these features. So, make the right choice and watch your website and company grow.

The author is associated with IDS Logic, a professional Web Hosting Company providing Managed Web Hosting solutions.

How Managed Shared Web Hosting Can Be Beneficial

By Alpana A

When you have a small business (or website) then a shared hosting is the correct choice for you as it comes within your resources. Any type of web hosting service requires to be managed properly; same goes for shared web hosting services. It is a better choice compared to a virtual dedicated or dedicated server hosting. That is why many companies have preferred offering managed shared web hosting services to its customers.

Managed shared web hosting means paying for a web hosting solution and enjoy all the benefits of hosting your web site with all your web site maintenance or updates being taken care by your web hosting company. In this type of hosting, your web site is hosted on a server that is shared with other sites. You get the required amount of bandwidth and web space your web site needs. It is a perfect option for customers who are just launching their business in to the internet market. The uptime and connectivity is reasonable for small businesses. The best shared web hosting solution would provide several domains and e-mail addresses and software installations with just a click of the button.

Cost is the biggest beneficial factor for a customer as you can get all these services at an affordable rate. You can get control panel which is referred to, with different names by different companies like some call it Control Panel and H-sphere. You don't need to be a professional web designer; all this can be done simply by a click of the mouse.

Just make sure you choose the best managed shared web hosting plan which will provide you maximum benefit and at the same time at a lower cost. With such a lot of companies offering such services, just make sure to spend enough time to do research on the packages available and how it can benefit you. Plus, read feedback on the web hosting companies posted on the net which will give you a better picture of what people rather customers have to say about the company and whether they are satisfied with their services or not. By doing all this, you will definitely have a better knowledge about the company and you will surely benefit in every aspect.

The author is associated with IDS Logic, a professional Web Hosting company in India offering Web Hosting India solutions.

Professionally Hosted Solution

By Sunil Rao

The word "outsourcing" is normally associated with something that's done mostly by large companies, but in fact, most small businesses start out by outsourcing many of their networking tasks. It's a norm today for the smallest companies to depend on someone else to host their e-mail services, Web services and so forth. As Companies' expand their operations, the internal network and associated infrastructure grows so big that this becomes Capital Intensive and would need to be managed by more than a few full time IT employees.

Data Centers and complementary security infrastructures are essential prerequisites for any Business operation. To manage Business operations, to communicate with customers or equip the organization with access to state of the art Business applications, these critical operations require a well designed IT infrastructure. However, most businesses conclude that the only means to have the IT infrastructure that can meet their IT initiative needs and Business objectives is to own and operate the entire IT infrastructure. This is illogical and not a good conclusion.

Hosting your own servers will allow you to get rid of the monthly fees you pay the hosting service, but to set up a server bank in house would cost you huge sums of money. You may be tempted to think that this would bring in big savings since your IT personnel are already there and may have enough free time to take on the duties involved in maintaining the servers. BUT the costs to maintain these servers and associated infrastructure can be substantial.

Consider the cost of the server hardware you'll need, and the software to run on it. That includes the operating system and any additional server software. And that's not all -- don't forget that you also need client user licenses for each user or device that accesses the server. Those hosting fees may start to look a little better when you consider these upfront costs.

On the other hand, the hardware and licensing fees are one-time costs (at least until you decide to upgrade), whereas the hosting fees go on month after month.

A better alternative is to adapt a 'Hosted IT Infrastructure' with the Software Solution integrated, which has near and far term financial benefits. IT costs can be cut up to 75%!

The physical location of the IT infrastructure is immaterial to users. The globalization, pervasive high speed Internet access enables users to access the Application, files, emails and application servers from any location.

Add to it, the high costs of shelled IT manpower to manage the infrastructure and the costs of power for servers, security gateways, routers, air conditioning and lighting - the Hosted option is always a good choice.

Managing IT infrastructure by its very nature is a technical activity best left to Professional providers.

To summarize professionally hosted Solution provides the following Benefits

• Dramatic Cost Savings

• Greater Control over critical operations without increasing Internal Staff

• Professional Management

• Low Business Risk

• Minimal Capital Expenditure

More about 'Software as a Service'(SaaS), the new delivery model in the next article.

Sunil V Rao, Director, Business Development, India & SEA, Enzen Global Solutions


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