All the web hosting companies claim to be world best but how true are the statements? Fake reviews are all over the internet and it is difficult to tell which is true and which is false. I believe every web hosting has their weaknesses and strength as nothing is perfect in this world. Therefore what we should do when come to picking web host is to get the most suitable services by judging and analyzing them. For me, I analyze web hosting provider based on these facts.
100% is impossible but 99.9% is reasonable
Reliability of the service is definitely the number one point that I look into. Nothing is more important than the reliability of hosting. Internet is meant to be accessed 24/7 worldwide. If the web hosting service cannot achieve the reasonable uptime, it is not even fulfilling the very basic things. Read their profile thoroughly and your will find out more.
Size does matter in web hosting
Big storage allows you to do more things online. Adding multimedia files like videos and pictures into your website definitely need space. Since you know what you are building online, it is easier for you to estimate the hosting size you need and further choose the suitable hosting plans.
All rounded effective support
Getting supports means getting in touch with a real person or even a computer systems or a set of instructions that can solve your problems instantly. Problems do occur in web hosting, no matter it is a serious or minor problem, the important point is to get the problem solved and be solved in the soonest time. Make sure you know what the window to your support is and understand how to access them before making a decision.
Software & Features
Some web hosting plan come with hundreds dollars worth of software and features. Be extra careful on this because it only makes sense if you are going to use the software and features. If the only one software you need is not included, even hundred thousands dollars worth of software is given will be pointless to you. I believe you get what I mean here. Also, some hosting is not compatible with some programming languages. Try checking the codes you are going to use will help in identifying a suitable plan for you.
cPanel to ease your work
cPanel a very famous web hosting control panel is most webmaster's lover including me. It provides user friendly navigation within the hosting functions. Installations of plug-ins and programs on web hosting are also easy with their 1 click installation features. Look for cPanel in web hosting if you do not want to deal with raw programming codes or DOS or anything else.
Low price not equal to cheap; Cheap not equal to low price
You should always compare price among the web hosting as you might get the same service with lesser money paid. As you might have already known, web hosting industry is a stiff market where everyday there are new promotions and you should take advantages on those promotions. But be sure you do not jeopardize the quality of the service in order to save a few bucks.
As a conclusion, you should be the one who can be able to tell who is the best web hosting provider rather than the providers telling you themselves. Read some reviews around and there are genuine advices easily available. You can always contact the providers to ask about their service. Talk to them since they claim to have 24/7 supports and this might be one the best chance to identify their quality of support yourself.
Daren is a writer and webmaster. His review Lunarpages website provides a better insight on the web hosting leader. For a good quality of web hosting, Daren recommends Lunarpages web hosting. Have a look at Daren's Lunarpages review here. |
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