In the world of Internet Marketing, there are literally thousands of website hosting companies to choose from. Each hosting package offers something a little different than the other. Depending on your needs, finding the perfect hosting package for you can be hard at times. Below are tips for finding the cheapest hosting and still maintaining a great level of quality.
1. Determine how much website hosting you will need - Do you need hosting for 1, 5, 10, or hundreds of mini-sites? Of those websites, how large are they going to be? These are really important questions to ask yourself when you decide to purchase website hosting. On one hand, purchasing shared hosting for just 1-2 websites may serve your website injustice as shared hosting can sometimes be on the not-so-good side. On the other hand, if you have 10+ websites, paying $5 a month for each may get very expensive, especially as your number of websites grow! Be sure to only purchase what is right for you.
2. A wise Internet Marketer never puts all his or her eggs in one basket. Diversify your hosting, even if it between two hosting companies. Putting all your websites through one hosting plan isn't going to help you decide if it is right for you. Split-test, and if one of the hosting companies should fail you, then you have immediate back-up. NEVER put all your eggs in one basket. This is also an "age-old" SEO method for inter-linking of your own websites.
3. Cheaper is not always better... and More expensive doesn't always mean "high quality". Keep this in mind and read reviews online. Carefully decide how much you want to spend in comparison to the quality of hosting you want. You don't need hundreds of gigs of server space for a little "content website".
4. Bundle! Sometimes you can find Internet Marketing communities that, as part of their subscription, offer FREE website hosting! This is a great way to bundle and save. This way you can get free software, articles, tools, e-books and more... then to top it off with Free website hosting makes the deal about as sweet as it can get. This is probably the best method to go for Internet Marketers who need tons of hosting space and a little something extra.
5. Look for cheap web hosting reviews online. Find out what others think about a certain hosting package. Believe it that people are not shy when it comes to bad service. If a hosting company has ever displeased someone, you'll definitely hear about it online.
6. Have a question? Contact their support! By doing this, it shows the responsiveness of their customer support. If they take two days to get back to you, then you probably don't want to use their service. If they rapidly and clearly handle all of your website hosting question, then you know what you can expect from the rest of their service. This is a great method to test the quality of their service.
7. Judge the ease-of-use of their own website. Is it easy to navigate? Does the website have testimonials from other clients? Can you find any cheap website hosting reviews on the particular company you are looking in to? Do some thorough investigation of clues that may indicate their commitment to quality.
These general rules can help you get the most perfect and cheapest website hosting available. Do your homework, do your research and you really can't go wrong. When it comes down to it, it's all a matter of your specific needs as an Internet Marketer or Business website owner.
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