Choosing a good web host can be the first step to running a successful web site. It is much better to pick the right host in the beginning so that you will not have to look for another web host later. Whether you are considering a change or are looking for hosting for a new site, here are some points to keep in mind.
If you are or will be hosting a commercial site, then you should not be as concerned with the price as someone with a personal site would be. That is not to say that lower priced hosting accounts are not as good as higher priced accounts, but you may receive fewer features than you would with a hosting account that costs more. Be on the lookout for web hosting companies that are new. It may be better to go with a company that has been around awhile and has a proven track record. You should thoroughly research hosting companies and their accounts before making your decision. You do not want bad service or have to change companies soon thereafter.
It may be more beneficial to look for a single company that can provide you with a complete Internet Package, such as web development, web design, web site updates, hosting, and internet access for your employees. When you deal with one company instead of several different companies for your Internet needs, it will likely be a smoother ride if something goes wrong. You are also less likely to have the misunderstandings and confusions that you may have when dealing with different companies for your different needs.
If you need a lot of work done, and you expect to spend a lot on your web site with e-commerce and other advanced solutions, you may want to go with just one company to avoid problems. If your web site does not require much, you can save a lot of money by hosting with a reputable company like HostGator.
I have hosted my 60 websites with Hostgator for over four years. I have tried other companies but I quickly realized that there is no place like Hostgator for excellent service, uptime, and pricing. If you are interested, here is a link to a for one cent hosting for a month at HostGator. |
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