Friday, October 31, 2008

3 Tips to Help You Select a Good Web Hosting Provider

By Jason Chao

The web hosting market is very competitive. Finding a good hosting provider is not an easy thing. Fortunately, it's not as hard as finding a pearl in sands. If you know following 3 tips, you will even pick up the best web host quickly.

1. checking the infrastructure information

Usually you can get infrastructure information from a web host's website. Owning a data center shows the solid foundation of a web host. If the hosting company has its own data center instead of co-locating with others or rent a server from others, it shows the good reliability of the hosting server. A lot of resellers have no ability to control the rented equipments.

2. testing the customer support

24/7 customer support is the absolutely essential service. When your website is down, you need to reach some body that can solve the problem right away. The best way is to make a phone call to the web host. You can also use online chat and email to do the test. They should answer you within acceptable waiting time. The technicians should have good technical knowledge to solve problems.

Some hosting service providers only offer email support. How can you trust somebody whom you can not reach when you need? Don't waste your time on such web hosts. Go to other hosting companies that offer 24/7 telephone support.

3. looking up the company reputation

You can search feedback and user reviews on a web hosting provider. You can use keywords like "how is xxx hosting", "is xxx web hosting good" to do the research. Some forum website and review website are good resources to help you making judgment. A good web hosting provider gets most positive feedback from their customers. If a web host gets many negative feedback from users, you should put a question mark in your mind. The good reputation is not set up within a short time; it is built up step by step. Good reputation shows the reliability and quality of web hosting services.

Choosing a good web hosting provider is so important for your internet business that you have to make your decision seriously. Good hosting server providers should have solid infrastructure, highest level customer support, and good reputation. Keeping above 3 tips in mind will lead you to the right track.

Jason Chao is an expert in cheap web hosting field and manage a content-rich website of, which offers hosting beginner guide, web hosting article, web hosting FAQ, and reviews of free domain hosting, discount hosting, top 10 cheap hosting.



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