When you begin to host your website, you will need to get to know a whole new set of definitions relating to the industry. Some of them you will use a lot, some a lot less, and most of them you will forget. In case you do, here are a list of most of the most popular web hosting definitions, so you can at least sound as if you know what you are talking about. They are neither in alphabetical order nor in order of importance
Control Panel
Every web domain should come with its own control panel. This panel allows you to view statistics that your web site generates, alter passwords, and check your e-mails. The c-panel should b very user friendly and allows you to make some internal adjustments to your web site. Before you make even the simplest of adjustments, you should take your time to get the feel of the c-panel.
Disk Space
Disk spa applies to the amount of storage that you have been allocated by your hosting company to store files. Web pages among others. It is worth your while to check your disk space allocation now and again through the c-panel to see if you are either arriving at the maximum levels, or are consistently using a lot less than your allocation. If this is the case, you should contact your hosting company and request that they reduce your allocation and save some money. ).
Also known as your web traffic, Bandwidth is used every time someone accesses your web site, and views materials on the page. Bandwidth for a web site implies the total monthly traffic, either inbound or outbound and covers web site access, e-mails and file transfer. Bandwidth is usually measured in gigabytes
Server Uptimes
Confirmed through server monitoring systems, server uptimes means the time when the server that you host your web site on is available. To find a hosting company with maximum uptime is a tough task, with most people prepared to settle for 97% data accessible essentially this percentage of time.
Email Addresses
Some web sites have more than one e-mail address, and the server should be provided with all the correct information so that each e-mail arrives at its proper destination. This known as Email Forwarding
Spam Protection
Sadly this is very necessary in this day and age. Any worthwhile hosting company will have powerful software installed on their servers to detect and filter out spam Unfortunately, like sperm, one or two of them always slip through.
Server Backup
Most hosting companies back up their files, so that if they should have some kind of calamitous failure, and all information on their server is lost, they should have at least one other backup server to protect your information, especially these days where more and more people are backing up their data online.
These are just a few of the many web site definitions, but probably the most important. Worth learning more about them!
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