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Friday, September 12, 2008

Critical Facts You Need to Know Before Choosing a Hosting Company

By Sean Breslin

Which Web host You Choose; Will impact on your webhosting experience and your wallet, quick point here cheaper is not better sorry but the phrase " You get what you pay for " is very true in the world of website hosting. This can be a hard lesson and one I personally would rather You avoided and with a little due diligence You can!

Avoid companies with a server in the back room and a get rich quick scheme based on Your online future

Avoid cheap companies who charge extra for services that are standard with a decent hosting package

Uptime Speed and Reliability

Ideally You want a hosting service that owns and maintains its own equipment in a purpose built dedicated facility with back up power, and data back up with state of the art safety systems ( back up data in a different location )

Most hosts boast of high speeds and reliability, can it be independently verified? (ie; uptime witness)

Resellers and Affiliates

Lots of hosting services are operated by resellers. This is where it gets difficult are they part of a larger company and have rebranded with their own pricing structure and the parent company deals with support issues or do they themselves deal with support issues, the question then is can they? and when? can you find them when things have gone pear shaped


Can Your hosting company choice give you a good prompt efficient and effective support system look for: Ticket Submission and ideally Free Live video Support, It is out there and is the support 24/7/365

Have they got video tutorials to guide you on all aspects of your new service? the cpanel fantastico etc

Do they offer a trial period Yes! then check them out, Do They Walk The Talk !

Equipment and Operating Systems

Are they up to date, are they compatible with your needs, will they be able to run and understand the modern scripts you may wish to use for your membership sites etc You know what You need and the systems you require at more advanced levels.

My point in adding the above paragraph is that you may be new to hosting now, but make yourself future proof get a great host that can accommodate your future needs as you progress online.

Access and Control

Do you get a control panel, cpanel with fantastico and elefante etc ( Not always check ) even if you don't know what they are You want them You need it! FTP access don't know what it is doesn't matter You want it You need it!

Email, how much and what kind can you add forwarders aliases' is there web mail ( horde squirrel etc ) don't know what they are it doesn't matter again You want it You need it!

Are there tutorials on getting the most out of all these new fangled wotsits at your disposal now You want your hosting online to be easy

I will stop writing now this article is long enough truly I could write thousands of more words on choosing hosts for Your website but we have lives to live, (and I have to do the shopping for Sunday dinner now )

Just think a little please and do a few checks all the above are good pointers If the company that you choose has all the above chances are you have picked a winner and it will have all the other features of a great hosting company.

I wish you all the best online, who knows one day we may be J.V partners on a project, that would be good!

Sean is a keen member of the online Marketing Comunity happy to share information and resources with other online marketers.



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