Wednesday, October 8, 2008

What Everybody Should Know About Web Hosting

By Daren Albom

Buying a web hosting solutions is an imperative decision in owning a piece of the internet. When you have a web hosting, you can do all sort of things online. It does not matter you want to store data, send email with your own domain name, do transactions and etc. Once you have decided what your purpose is, it is time for you to determine which hosting to go with. Web hosting is like mushroom after downpour and you have to see carefully in order to pick one without poisons. Few points that you should bear in mind are:-

First of all, reliability is the main concern of your web hosting. Reliability means how often your web hosting will be ready to serve whoever reaches your website. 99.9% of uptime is what most of the web hosting providers claim but have they achieved yet? This is something you need to find out with some internet tools available. Reliability also means how and what the providers do to keep their promises. Dual ring power supply is one of the common methods to avoid power failure of server.

Secondly, the web storage is a concern to your web hosting choosing as well. The size of the hosting limits your website and possible applications. If you got a smaller storage hosting, you will definitely lose out in embedding different ideas due to space constrains. Look for a bigger storage for your web host. Unlimited storage is now quite common among the provider.

Thirdly, the support from your web hosting provider is essential. Supports here include technical supports, customer supports and etc. How strong the support is does reflect how reliable the service is because when something happen in your website or the hosting, a stronger support always responds and get things fixed faster. Some hosting providers provides telephone supports, forum supports, live chat supports, 24/7 supports and etc. That sounds good doesn't it? But beware. Some providers only claim to have those supports but only get to realize those are all beautiful lies when you website is down. What you can do is research around to get some feedback from friends.

Fourthly, the compatibility of software with your web hosting. For example, if you are using Dreamweaver to build your website then you need to make sure the web hosting has Dreamweaver compatible. Same applies to other software like Frontpage and etc. On top of this, the more scripts and features provided from the company has the highest point it should achieve. These scripts will generally help you in transforming your ideas into reality.

Fifthly, the user friendliness of the web hosting. cPanel a very famous control panel is most webmaster's lover including me. It provides user friendly navigation within the hosting functions. Installations of plug-ins and programs on web hosting are also easy with their 1 click installation features. Look for cPanel in web hosting if you do not want to deal with raw programming codes or DOS or anything else.

Last but not least the pricing, with the competitiveness of web hosting market nowadays, it won't be difficult to get a low price hosting. But do not settle for the cheapest also, if you are serious about your website, pricing should be your last concern and services and reliability should come first. It will not worth it if you save a few bucks on it but getting a lousy web hosting causing you to lose thousands of business in return of the constantly downtime.

A famous web hosting company will usually be a good one. It is because people will talk about them and recommend the service to others. But you do not need a neither famous nor good hosting. What you need is a suitable hosting to host your business and websites. So I still think everything should go back to the basic. Analyze one hosting by one hosting before making any purchase.

Daren is a writer and webmaster. His review Lunarpages website provides a better insight on Lunarpages web hosting. For a good quality web hosting, Daren recommends Lunarpages. Have a look at Daren's hosting review here.



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