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Saturday, October 4, 2008

Why Use GIS?

By Georgio Galveston

Geographical Information Systems have become a focal point and a saviour for many businesses and organizations where geographical images and maps are a main component of their everyday lives. GIS is a technology which allows users to create, analyze, edit, customize and render geographical data such as maps. GIS's have numerous uses across a varied range of industries. It used to be very expensive to run GIS, but now with GIS hosting and map hosting technologies becoming more common and easier to implement, alongside the development of open source applications, it has become relatively cheap to run GIS, here are some of the most common uses for GIS.

Create Maps

GIS is an essential tool for people who are looking to create and make geographical maps public or private on the internet. It deals with the data and renders it in many ways to make it accessible and suitable for online publication. An example application would be Google Maps which is very popular software available worldwide.


Studies have found having visual aids in teaching classes holds the attention of student more than just talking, in classes such as geography, the teacher can use GIS to show maps on a projector to help them with getting their points across and teaching specific areas of knowledge.

Crisis management

Crisis management officers can use special awareness aspect of GIS systems to plan procedures if a crisis happens in a certain town or city, it can lead to a more effective decision making process as they have the geographical data in front of them.

Other uses of GIS include pollution analysis and control and human resource management. The possibilities are endless. When choosing to implement GIS, it is important to choose a suitable GIS hosting package, make sure the host have the capabilities to handle the advanced technological abilities a GIS possesses.

Written by Georgio Galveston. Find the best information on Internet Map Server as well as Open Source GIS



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