One of the most vital steps on the path of having your own website is choosing web site hosting company. There are so many web hosting companies around these days, that choosing the right one for you can be extremely difficult. Here I will show you what are some of the common mistakes that many people do when making a decision on where to host their website.
1. Free web hosting services
Free web space is being advertised all over the internet, I'm sure you all have seen the ads. The catch with free web site hosting is that these companies will place their own ads that point to other web sites, all over your site. What this means is that you will lose many of your visitors to these other web sites that have ads on your site. This takes away the whole purpose of having your own web space. Especially if you ever want to do any business on your web site this is a definite no! Now if you don't mind having tons of ads on your site that are not related to you in any way, free hosting might be the answer for you.
2. Extremely limited hosting packages
When making that decision on what is the right hosting company for you, look at what they have to offer. You should try to avoid hosting packages that are very limited. I am not talking about disk space or bandwidth here because they are naturally always limited, even though some times being advertised as unlimited. What you want to look for is that your hosting company offers multiple email accounts, web usage statistics, auto responders, URL redirection and other important features like those.
3. Cheapest is never the best
Anybody that is looking to get web hosting for their web site has for sure ran into
These "web hosting for $1.99" ads. Well we all know the old saying about the price and what you get for your money, and unfortunately web hosting business is no exception here. These companies that offer hosting for one or two dollars a month usually want something in return, like the right to place ads on your web site etc. Or their services are simply just no good. Now after all, for about $5 a month you can get in fact very good shared hosting services so is it really worth to save that few bucks and end up with bad hosting services.
If you are looking to buy web site hosting it is recommended that you view customer reviews for different hosting providers before making your decision. |
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