This can be considerable more expensive that a regular web server, so you need to determine if spending the money for this server has a big enough return on your investment to make it worth your while. However, if the your online business is the type where you get a large volume of inquiries from current or potential customers you may need to switch over from shared hosting to a dedicated web server.
How Much Space?
You'll need to think about how much web space you need. Shared hosting packages provide difference allotments of megabytes for a website. This may not be enough, especially if you are planning to expand your business and perhaps build multiple websites. A dedicated server typically gives you at least 20 GIGS of space, all for your own use and this could very well be what you require to accommodate your expansion plans for the future.
One of the most important deciding factors for you is the fact of how much bandwidth your website is transferring each day. Consider that if your website is transferring more than 1 GIG of traffic on a daily basis, then you need more than a shared web server is giving you. You are in the range of needing all of the server's bandwidth for the needs of your website alone. As your online business becomes more successful, a dedicated server gives you the bandwidth power you need to handle the additional traffic. When a shared web hosting plan begins cramp how you do business online, this is a perfect indicator that it is time to have your own dedicated space.
More Control is an Advantage
Most shared hosting providers will restrict you from custom installation of dll's and com objects. When you know that you are at the stage where these features would be beneficial, then you need your own dedicated server. Neither will you have to hold your breath in hopes that your web server is managing your security needs, since you will have control over this area of network administration.
The other big advantage is that as you add more websites to your business profile you no longer have the inconvenience of having to contact your web host every time you need to make a change or add on a new website. As an aside, if you find that you don't actually need all the space you are leasing, you can always resell some of it as private hosting accounts.
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