If you are serious about doing business over the Internet, you will eventually have to have a web site and you will need a place to host it. There are tons of available web hosts. Some are free, but most of the good ones will cost you money. It is important that you use a paid web hosting company. This is because free web hosts usually require you to use their domain name, and they will simply add on your website. This tends to look unprofessional to your visitors.
Make sure that you choose a good, quality web host. Web hosting companies are not all created equal neither do they all offer you the same benefits. When considering web hosting companies, you will want to take a close look at the following things: Affordability, their billing schedule, whether or not it is Wordpress friendly, control panel ease-of-use, customer service and available bonuses.
Affordability is very important. You don't want to have a lot of overhead costs. One of the advantages of doing business online is that you tend to have far less costs then you would, if you attempted start a brick and mortar business. You can generally find a good web host for between $4-$9 a month. Unless you are getting a great deal of traffic or you need a lot of space, you will not need to pay more than that.
Also, be sure to consider how many domain names a hosting company will allow you to have. Some web hosting companies will allow you to host unlimited domain names. This means that you can purchase a domain name somewhere else and point it to your webhost. This allows you to host a large number of web sites, all with different domain names, for one low-price. Typically, web hosting companies that allow this, charge more for domain names. Therefore, you may want to go somewhere else to purchase your domain names.
Consider the payment terms. If you don't have an unlimited budget, you may want to choose a wet host that allows you to pay monthly. You will end up paying a little bit more over the long haul, however, it will allow you to host your website quicker because you won't have to save up the money for an annual fee. .If money is not an issue, you may want to pay for your hosting annually. However, if you have cash flow issues, you may want to go with a web hosting company that allows you to pay monthly.
For individuals that use Wordpress a great deal, they will want to choose a host that makes working with Wordpress easy. Several hosts offer this.
You will be required to use a control panel. Most web hosting companies will allow you to look at their control panel before you join them. Make sure that you take advantage of this because you want to make sure that you are comfortable with the control panel.
Next, consider what bonuses are offered. Some web hosting companies will offer you things like a free press release from PR web or free Google and Yahoo advertisement credits. Make sure that you compare these because they can offer you a lot of value.
Lastly, make sure that any company that you do business with has excellent customer service. You should be able to contact them either by phone, e-mail or instant message and get a response in an appropriate amount of time. Before you agree to work with a company, try the customer service out. Call them on the phone, IM them or email them and see how fast their response is.
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