Free web hosting 100MB can help you a lot whether you are student looking to finish your school task or online business owner looking to gain first experience. You should not have any problem if you just plan to insert several web pages or small sized blog. Let's take a look at how you can get free web hosting with 100MB capacity.
1. Google
The most obvious way is of course to search through Google. As Google is the largest search engine nowadays, you are sure to find a lot of options there.
2. Webmaster Forum
You can also visit webmaster forum to ask fellow webmaster. This will save your time since you will know their first-hands experiences with particular free hosting company. Whether the company has bad technical support or frequent down time? The two things you should pay attention to when choosing any free hosting company.
3. Review Site
Review site is another popular option. Independent review site will give the advantages and disadvantages of particular free web hosting company. Some of them categorize free hosting service based on the capacity, making it easier for you to sort various free hosting companies.
4. Technical Support
Technical support is a big issue when it comes to free hosting service. Some companies I used back then had such a lousy technical support that replied back to my message after 4 business days. If you sell something that kind of technical support can make you go bankrupt very quickly.
5. Backup Data
Since this is free service, obviously you can't charge the company in case your data lost. It is a good habit to backup your files often to avoid such issue from arises. The recommendation is to backup your data once in a week. The larger your data the more frequent you should update your data.
6. Free Banners
A lot of companies can afford to give you free hosting service because they put banner or advertising on your web pages. This can be a distraction for your website visitor. Your website visitor will be lured away while you will not get any money at all. Even though rare you can find free hosting company that offers you free ads hosting, just do your homework.
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