With the thousands of web hosting companies out there, how actually do you choose the perfect web host among them? It is like searching for a needle in the haystack literally. There are a whole lot of them to choose. You will need to follow some guidelines on finding the perfect web host for your entire web hosting needs. This will ensure you end up getting the ideal web host rather than getting caught with a bad web host and ruing later.
One of the most important and unavoidable factor that will need to be looked upon while choosing a perfect web host is looking at the uptime in which it functions. An ideal or a dream uptime would be around 98% which only a very few web hosts offer, but at least 90% to 95% is expected most of the time. If your web host is offering only 70% uptime, then it is time for you to move from them and look for another good web host. Since higher the uptime of the server it means more traffic for your website.
Another important point to check for in a web host is the space in which they offer to host your website. And what is the bandwidth in which they are offering in the package that you have chosen. This bandwidth is calculated monthly in which the visitors to your website has transferred, both up and down. With the current trend it is essential to have a web host service which offers you the maximum bandwidth along with adequate space in the server to host your website. This will ensure that you are prepared for more traffic if in the future you start to get more traffic and in case you want to update your website you can do so without any constraint.
You should also look out for whether your web hosting company is offering the CGI access. This along with the additional features like MySQL, Cold Fusion and other audio and video capabilities should be included in your package. You need to check them before you pay them.
You should also look for whether they offer the security feature called Secure Socket Layer (SSL) or not. This is an additional security feature, which is a must if your site asks for credit card or other important personal info for a sale to be generated. This SSL certificate actually can be brought from any reputed and reliable web hosts. This certificate, if displayed on your website, will give assurance to your visitor that their personal info is secure with your website.
Finally, one more important factor which might decide on the web host is the price. There are some premium web hosts for which you will need to shell out a significant amount of money if you want to host your website with them. You can instead decide on the rate which would be ideal for your budget and choose the web host which offer or has all the above features within your specified budget.
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