Have you decided it's about time to set up your own website? When you get serious about business, you want a quality web hosting provider that will help you increase website traffic and your revenue through e-commerce. What are the most important features to look for?
The first thing to determine is if the website is promotional or if it is set up to encourage online purchasing. The more you want to sell online, obviously, the more photos, videos and flash programming you will need. That means that your site will require lots of bandwidth. (Also called data transfer limits-the amount of megabytes that can be loaded every month).
Most web hosting companies give you a generous amount of web space but may severely limit your bandwidth. This is particularly true when dealing with free or low-cost web hosting services. If you plan to have video footage on your site, it is especially important to increase your web space and your bandwidth. Ideally, you want to have an "uptime" of at least 95 percent to ensure maximum visibility.
Other users are looking more technical requirements in mind, such as the use of CGI or PHP programming. If you have complex language scripting requirements, then you should look for a host that has more than one MYSQL database. If you do not know how to program HTML or are not hiring someone to create a website for you, then you may need to find a web hosting service that provides a WYSIWYG editor or FrontPage extensions, as well as FTP access for uploading files.
JetNetHost.com provides a variety of web hosting services, including shared hosting, reseller hosting, dedicated servers and domain name registration. Visit their main website to learn how they can address and fulfill your web hosting needs.
JetNet offers a variety of web hosting -related services. For more information about the company and the services they offer, visit JetNetHost.com. |
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