Finding a free web hosting company can either be a breeze or a pain. I don't like pain very much specially when it comes to hosting my website, i prefer hosting to be a breeze. You are looking for the following in a web hosting service as a standard never mind if they are free or not. Enough web space to start with I recommend at least 100MB of hosting space on the companies server.
You don't want your website to load forever and it must not seem that the companies web servers are located outer space so you are looking for speed. To give you an idea that almost half of all Internet users use narrow band connections to connect to the Internet. So your web site loading time is very important if you would like to keep your visitors happy.
The ability to host multiple domain names is a must if you would like to grow your Internet business(s) in the future. Almost all free web hosting companies these days come with a FTP account so you can manage your files online. If they do not offer a FTP account you can always use the file manager in the control panel to manage your files.
MySQL Database, PHP Script, and PHPmyadmin support to manage your databases with PHPmyadmin. Again most company's offer this as standard but just check to be sure. With free web hosting services some features can be disabled so it's advisable just to check before signing up.
E-mail to send and receive mail with your domain name example The ability to create sub domains. Domain tools to check whether there is technical problem with your website anywhere is very useful. Website promotion guides is a big bonus and a good web host company will give you access to free information to promote your website.
Website statistics is for me a must have tool for me to track the activity of your web pages. Access to a Website Builder and free website templates is a big bonus and if the hosting company offers this tool it will greatly minimize the time spend creating your website.
Backups is just a must. Make sure that the hosting company backup your data on a regular basis. I have fallen victim to loosing data due to a web hosting company not having a adequate backup facility in place.
Enough Bandwidth usage is also very important if you are planning driving a lot of visitors to your website and is also something to have a look into before signing up.
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