Are you planning to buy a web hosting service? You may be overwhelmed by the number of choices now available to you. The hosting industry is very big, and there is definitely one that can cater for your hosting needs. But there are also inferior hosts that pay little care about your content you put, and your website can be at risk in such case. So this article is dedicated to give a you a few questions to be aware of before you make the buying decision.
How much are you willing to spend?
The price can vary depending on hosting plans, ranging from 7 bucks to over hundreds per month. If you merely host some simple websites, shared hosting will be sufficient. On the other hand, if you are building your business online, or expect a large usage of bandwidth, you should consider a dedicated hosting option. A dedicated hosting allows you to have complete freedom on server usage, where it is not possible for shared hosting option.
What kinds of servers do I need?
Like the previous question, it is determined by the type of websites you plan to run. If you plan to run an ecommerce website, you need to check out if there is shopping cart facility available. You may also think about whether you wish to run the site on Windows or Linux servers. Usually, Linux servers are cheaper and they are a popular choice among webmasters, as they are flexible and scalable to build a variety to websites. But if ASP option is mandatory , you should find a Windows-hosted web server.
How is the company's reputation?
This one will require you to do research online for your favorite companies in your mind. You can look for hosting reviews. Pay particular attention to the security measures, and how long the web hosting company has been in business. You should opt for a firm with long history and good reputation. Also, take note of the terms of service, such as money back guarantee and warranties. Check carefully if there is any hidden fee, e.g. setup cost. For dedicated servers, you are sometimes required to pay for a lump sum to set up the servers for you.
Now, you should be clear about how to choose a web hosting properly. However, you may be using a web hosting already and planning to switch. With numerous choices, are you tired of looking for an excellent web hosting?
I have two recommendations that will fit your varied needs: and Don't take my words, check them out yourself. With excellent reputation and top notch support, you cannot go wrong with them. |
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