Free web hosting has been very popular in the hosting industry as it provides a free start up opportunity for website builders to try it out in the internet. Although free web hosting do have limitations, they are still very popular among users.
Out of so many free web hosting providers out there, one of the most popular providers is Yahoo Geocities which provides interfaces with HTML for you to upload your files. This is an added feature that they have because not all free providers provide you with an FTP program. Most people do not like choosing free web hosting because of this limitation.
With the FTP application, one can easily copy and paste your content onto your web space. This is a very simple procedure that everyone could do. If you do not have access to FTP, uploading files will be tough and time consuming because you have to do it once for every single file you have.
Another limitation with free web hosting is the lack of freedom in your URL name. You would often need o include the names of the provider. For an example, if you are using Geocities, then your URL will be This is a way that th free provider company use to help promote their services. Therefore, it is impossible for you to own your own domain with a free web hosting plan.
However, there are benefits to gain when you use a free hosting service. Firstly, you can use free online tools to build your website. To find a free web hosting you can simply just search any search engine and you will find many free hosting provider that provides services for non-profit organization, businesses or even for personal use. You can search for the service that they provide to see whether it matches you preferences or not before you start to use that free web.
So, before you start anything serious on the internet. Try one of these free web hosting plans to test out your niche and see how good you fair in the SEO. Get the maximum out of the free web with FTP uploads, ready made templates, scripts and so on.
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