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Friday, October 24, 2008

When Should You Use VPS - Virtual Dedicated Server

By Sean Raymond

Much is made these days of the advantages, and otherwise, of VPS - or virtual dedicated - hosting, and the questions most often asked are what is it, and when should I use it?

The former is quite simple to answer: VPS, or virtual dedicated, hosting is a method of hosting that effectively splits a sole physical server into a number of virtual servers, each of which can be operated independently of the main physical host. In other words, greater use can be made of a single server, but at the expense of versatility to a certain extent.

The advantages are that a single server can be used for many different uses at once, and the cost savings that go with such are clear to see, while the down side is that the memory use can be excessive.

So should you use VPS, or not?

This is a question that is, in truth, entirely up to the user. The cost advantages of virtual dedicated hosting can be of great benefit to those who have personal websites - for blogs, for instance - and also for those who have small businesses that can not justify the expense of dedicated server hosting.

Many companies offer VPS services as part of their package, and these tend to be geared towards the above type of user. The question you need to ask is how much your business - or blog - is likely to grow in a given time, and whether the use of VPS will simply be a stop gap, or a long term answer.

There are no hard and fast rules as to whether you should or should not use virtual dedicated hosting, and it is worth asking the question of the hosting outfit as to whether the option would be best, or even advisable, for your needs.

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