The providers for web hosting are constantly on the rise in the market. There seems to be more and more choices to choose from with different companies providing different features and price. To make a good choice out of your investment, you need to do a detailed research in order to know what you are paying for. Here are a few features that you should look into when comparing companies.
Firstly, compare the disk storage. You need storage to store your files for your website. Therefore, disk storage is very important. The bigger the disk storage, the more you can show on your website. You know ask the company whether they include email and log in the disk storage counted for your package. This is to let you have an idea on how much storage you have in they do so. Then you can estimate a 20%-30% extra disk space that you will need for your website needs.
After that, you need to have a FTP access for your website. This is vital for you to manage the maintenance of you website. Don't ever choose a host that has limitations on the FTP access. The best is to go for unlimited FTP access when you scout for web hosting companies. With unlimited access, you can fully make use of you hosting account to benefit in your business.
Next up is the bandwidth provided by the web hosting company. Bandwidth is very important to keep your website running smoothly in the internet. It plays a part in determining your websites reaction, respond, download which will affect the experience of visitors that comes to your website. With poor bandwidth, surfers will find visiting your website frustrating because the response is slow and downloading file from your website takes too much time.
After figuring the issues above, you should now figure out the resource of the provider. We are talking about the usage of server, CPU, RAM and the database connection. Most importantly, the provider must be able to have sufficient resources. A test of the uptime of the company should also be done by using a third party software. No website provider will be good if they have insufficient resources.
Lastly, the one last thing to compare is the price. Some people are willing to pay more and some are willing to pay less. Therefore, research is important so that you know how much they company charge based on the service that they provide. Make comparison and you can get a good idea which is more economical and effective. Be aware to enquire and find out if there is any hidden charges in the package or you will end up surprised when you see you bill.
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