What activities will you need to do so you can design and begin a site from scratch? You will need to create the home page, pick interactivities, select color codes for every web page and interactivity, pick a theme which binds all the web pages, estimate data storage and evaluate web hosting plans, and then figure out a strategy to advertise the site and make it popular. A simple way to prioritize such activities and parcel out your efforts per the set priorities is to place them on a project plan in a pyramid.
Activities such as comparing web hosting plans must be at the top of your pyramid of project plans. The basic theory is simple, because no web site can exist unless you have found a web hosting service that is suitable, and will fit your needs. The higher the number of dependencies your activity has, the higher it should be on your project plan pyramid.
Although established service providers give reliable web hosting services with a minimum downtime, new entrants into such a business give web hosting plans at giveaway prices. The choice between the two categories of web hosting plans must closely match the reason for you creating the site.
Professional websites may get vast numbers of visitors daily and therefore need far more space than is normally offered by the smaller web hosting firms. On the other hand, if you are an entrepreneur but your pages have not been designed for sales but rather to increase people's awareness of your company's presence on the internet, you might prefer to spend as little as possible for web hosting.
Some small islands in the pacific provide free domain names as well as web hosting plans. Yes, their free services are available for commercial web sites in addition to amateur web sites. Are you wondering why do these island nations provide free web hosting?
Simply put, these countries are so tiny that lots of people don't recognize them. In order to increase their prominence, they began to release web domains for free, and to offer free web hosting. With these two strategies, these tiny island countries began to attract important web traffic, and to become more visible on the world stage.
To design and start a web site from scratch, you do need to design the home page, choose the color codes for each web page, select a theme that binds all web pages, estimate the data storage and judge web hosting plans, and formulate a strategy to advertise and popularize your website. Older well known service providers can host your website with a maximum of uptime and reliability, but don't overlook the newer providers in this field who can offer hosting plans at a much cheaper rate. Some small islands in the pacific provide free domain names as well as hosting plans. |
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