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Friday, September 26, 2008

Dedicated Website Hosting - There Are No Substitutes

By Tom Lane

When you want business quality web hosting there is no other way to go, than with dedicated website hosting. Whether you are planning to put your business online or host a high traffic website, like a discussion board for example, dedicated hosting is the only answer for you.

The whole idea of dedicated hosting is that that you lease a web server from the hosting provider. What this means is that this server is completely dedicated for a single customer unlike in shared hosting, where many clients share the same server. The hosting company provides the actual server machine, the software, the connectivity and the operating system to run the server.

If you run websites with lots of traffic, it is crucial that you have enough bandwidth, disk space, applications and software to operate. To maintain a high volume of traffic and fast data transfer, dedicated hosting is the perfect choice for all that. You get a whole lot of different kinds of features and you are able to install complex applications such as online shopping tools without affecting the stability of the server.

There are two types of dedicated web hosting - managed and unmanaged. When you get managed hosting, the hosting company will provide you with all the necessary services and they will run and maintain the server within their companies datacenter. This is the most popular version of dedicated hosting. In some cases the web administrators want to manage their servers by themselves and so they go with unmanaged hosting. With unmanaged option the client doesn't get all the features from the hosting provider like in the managed version.

Mr. Tom Lane Thanks you for reading this article and to find the best dedicated hosting providers recommends you to visit here



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