One of the first decisions you face when starting as a webmaster is that what kind of hosting should you get for your website? Should you go with dedicated hosting or shared hosting much depends on your needs. While shared hosting is the cheapest option, it just can't beat the performance of dedicated hosting. After reading this article you should be able to decide which is the right choice for you.
The major difference between shared and dedicated hosting obviously is that when you get a shared hosting account, you will share a web server with many other webmasters. With dedicated hosting you will get a server all to yourself, your websites will be the only ones hosted by that server.
Shared hosting can seem like a great deal with the prices starting from a few dollars per month with unlimited disk space and bandwidth. However there is a catch, you will not actually get that "unlimited everything" that hosting companies are so willingly advertising. If it was true, it would mean that you could host sites like google for a few bucks a month, does that sound realistic to you? Even though most of the hosting companies like to "over" advertise their shared hosting plans, it certainly doesn't mean that they wouldn't be any good. With many shared plans you will get more than enough bandwidth and disk space to run your website or many websites, as long as they are not too complex or have a very high volume of traffic.
The biggest risk with shared hosting is that if you would happened to get a huge spike in your traffic you might get shut down. The factor here isn't with bandwidth or disk storage, but with CPU (Central Processing Unit) cycles. So if you spike even for a short period of time, all your hosting services might get shut down from your shared hosting account.
When you go with dedicated hosting you don't have those same risks of getting shut down than with shared account. You have a lot more control over your account and you will get tons of features. You will also be able to install complex applications, for example things such as online shopping tools without it never affecting the stability of the server. Usually you will also get much better and more professional customer support from your hosting provider when you go with dedicated hosting account. Dedicated hosting is especially good for webmasters running sites with high traffic, like online forums, online stores etc.
So what is the conclusion? Well if you just want to get your feet wet go with shared hosting, but don't expect to get the sun and the moon for a few dollars a month. If you are looking to make some serious business online, there is no question should you get dedicated hosting, you should.
Mr. Tom Lane thanks you for reading and recommends you to visit to find out what are the best hosting companies that suits your needs. |
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