With the massively quick growth of the Internet over the past years, web hosting has become a huge business. There are tens of thousands of companies out there all fighting for the same thing; customers. These companies compete against each other by offering the lowest priced monthly payment plans while giving their customers huge bandwidth and storage limits.
Should you ever find yourself needing web hosting there will be no shortage of companies willing to take your money. To the average person, plans for less then $5 a month with "unlimited" bandwidth and storage seem like the best option. Unfortunately, this is just a creative ploy to get you to hand over your money. It's all in the terms of service and contracts that you agree to when you make a purchase. Should you decide to ever read those, you will find what unlimited really means.
Most people soon find out that their unlimited resources web hosting plan is not what it seems. This usually happens when their website grows to a point that is it using too many resources and the host downright shuts down their account. So how exactly do you go about finding the best deals? Where do you go to find information on multiple web hosts? A review site of course.
However, this may not be as simple as it sounds. Most of the web hosting review sites on the Internet today are influenced by how much they make off of a sale when they refer a customer to a web host. These websites will usually have a top 10 host list with the company that pays the highest commission listed at #1. These websites don't help anybody searching for hosting since they provide biased reviews of each host.
If you are in the market to buy hosting why would you want to visit one of these sites? You wouldn't want to considering they do not provide real reviews of web hosts.
Fear not, there are sites out there that provide honest reviews. They determine the best web hosts by having actual customers leave reviews on their websites. These sites aren't concerned whether or not they are making the most money because they would rather provide you with a quality company. Knowing that these sites rank web hosts by how well actual customers rate them, you can be assured that you are finding the best provider.
Want to find the best deals on web hosting? Want to read real web hosting reviews from actual web hosting customers? Head on over to http://www.webhostsdeals.com to find web hosting reviews, deals, guides and the latest hosting coupons. |
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