If you are planning to host multiple website, you would like to consider a reseller hosting because it is very suitable for you. The reason it is good for you because you can control all of it at one location. Therefore you can manage your website well and get all your web hosting needs as well. So, how can we consider a reseller hosting a good catch?
Firstly, it should have 24 hours seven days a week of support. It must also possess 99.9% uptime and provide instant backup. Besides these 2 points, other requirement will differ depending on you web hosting needs. However, you must bear in mind that the 3 points mentioned earlier must be included in the reseller hosting plan. Then only you can say that it is an acceptable reseller hosting plan.
If you have the money to spend, you could get quality services from Godaddy, HostGator and Lunarpages. However, if your pocket is tight with budget control, you may want to hunt down a cost effective plan. Reseller hosting plans like the one provided by ResellerZoom could be you answer because it gives you quality service at an affordable price. But is it really the answer? The problem with it is they do not provide end user support for reseller accounts. This means that you have to maintain your website by yourself. Therefore, a good reseller hosting is only good when it provides end user support. One company that does that is Gorilla Reseller Hosting. It is cost effective and provides quality service. To find out more providers that meet the stats of a god reseller company, you could search at WebhostingTalk.com. There are discussions there with analysis done to see which provider meets the standard.
Looking for an affordable web hosting services? Check out Lunarpages You'll get 15,000/1,500 GB bandwidth/disk storage in less than $5 with them. More details on LunarPages web hosting here. Article written by Justin Knights |
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