Wednesday, October 1, 2008

3 Quick Tips For Finding the Best Website Hosting

By Craig Wilson

1. The first and most obvious step is to have some idea of what your basic needs are before going 'shopping'. Often times you will come across a web host that is offering some great deal or promotion that may look like the answer to your prayers but in truth may be totally unsuitable for your needs. For instance there is no point in signing up for latest and greatest e-commerce site hosting when all you want is a simple blog - no matter how cheap it seems at the time. More often than not once the promotional period is over the price will revert back to their normal charges and you will be paying for something that you do not need or will ever use.

2. A subject that comes up time and time again in the web hosting forums is customer support. This can be the difference between a great host and an absolute nightmare! Even if you have been given a recommendation from someone take the time to do a simple 'Google' of their company name and read what people are saying about them. They might have the cheapest hosting plan around with the most features but if you can't get any help when things turn pear-shaped life can be very hard. Look for a hosting company that offers 24/7 customer support with either email or a toll free phone number.

3. Unlimited this, unlimited that. A lot of the 'cheaper' web hosts offer plans which allow unlimited bandwidth or unlimited addon domains etc etc. Although these plans may be suitable for the majority of webmasters what they are in fact doing is over-selling the amount of space on their servers. What this can mean is that if you are pulling in great amounts of traffic or have a whole boat load of sites to host you may run in to some problems with server response and site down time as the server that they have you on is literally overloaded. For the majority of us this very rarely becomes an issue but it is something that should be kept in mind.

Although looking around for the best web hosting may seem a tad daunting if you take the time to educate yourself on exactly what it is that you need great savings can be made!

If you found these tips helpful there is plenty more information available on selecting a good reliable web host at Web Hosting Bargains. Read full features lists and independent customer feedback for a number of top web hosts at



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