Wednesday, October 1, 2008

How to Find Affordable Web Hosting Companies

By Gabriel Killian

Are you looking for cheap website hosting? Are you an Internet Marketer or Online business that is on a tight budget? Learn about awesome ways to save at the server.

When it comes down to it, in any online business, great web hosting is a must have. Below are steps to help you figure out what hosting is right for you and find tips for getting the cheapest hosting available and still reserve some room for quality.

1. A variety of websites? Use a variety of hosting companies if you plan to link them together! As far as search engines are concerned, it will give you no seo value if two of the websites you link together are on the same shared server. It is suggested that if you have 2 or more websites you want to link together, get two hosting packages. This will allow you to have a little more long-term SEO benefits from your websites.

2. The longer the commitment, the better deal you will get. If you know that you plan to have a website for any given amount of time, purchasing longer hosting terms. This will help you save money and you won't have to worry about it auto-deducting every month. Think long-term!

3. There are hundreds and hundreds of web hosting companies available, choose the one that fits your specific needs first. Whether its server space or bells or whistles, every hosting company offers a little something different. Figure out your needs first then go forth.

4. Have a bunch of websites you need to publish? Some hosting companies offer unlimited domains. Or you can purchase "reseller" accounts to get unlimited hosting accounts. Watch your server space though. Sometimes hosting companies can charge extra if you go over your limit.

5. Read hosting reviews and testimonials - These are great indicators of how good a hosting company really is and how much pride they take in their services. Find out what others are saying about a particular affordable hosting company.

6. Have questions? Ask first! A hosting companies ability to respond to your needs in a timely manner is quite possibly one of the best indicators to how responsive and reliable your cheap hosting company really is. When times are tough, will they be there to support you? How good is there customer service really? Ask and find out.

7. If all else fails, demand a refund and search somewhere else. Hosting services should respect your take on their business and should refund you if you are not satisfied (check their return policy to make sure). They may give you a pro-rated amount back, but something is better than nothing. Then continue the search.

These are simple ways to protect yourself and get higher quality and affordable hosting without being had. Below you will find a list of recommended resources and hosting reviews to help you get the best hosting at the best prices.

For a Huge list of Cheap Web Hosting Companies and Internet Marketing tools visit

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